Multi-Currency > Maintenance > Currency
Currency is where all currencies are set up and maintained.
The Currency page has two tabs:
Check the box to make the currency available for selection in the transaction entry pages.
Enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters as an identifiable name or code for the currency.
Type in up to 60 alphanumeric characters to further describe the Currency ID.
Enter up to 10 characters for the currency symbol, i.e. $
Select a pattern from the drop down menu for the currency symbol to be displayed for a positive amount, i.e. $10.00, 10.00$
Select a pattern from the drop down menu for the currency symbol to be displayed for a negative amount, i.e. ($n), -$n
Enter up to 2 character for a negative sign, i.e. -, !
Enter the number you will to allow for the currency's decimal precision. i.e. 3 will allow 10.127, 2 will allow 10.13 (If a price is entered with a value over the decimal precision the amount will be rounded to the correct decimal precision set for the currency.)
Enter up to 1 character to be used as the decimal separator, i.e. period 10.13
Enter up to 1 character to be used as the group separator, i.e. a comma 15,000,000.00
This tab is used to restrict and allow access for companies to use the specific Currency ID for use during transaction entry.
Read only field that displays the select Currency ID with you will be granting access to.
List of available Companies which can be selected and associated to the currently selected Currency ID.
List of Companies which have been selected and associated to the currently selected Currency ID.