Finding Records with Lookup Fields

Lookup fields are designated with and allow you to search for specific records from a list of related data available within the system.  During data entry, these fields will only accept valid values that have been setup and activated in the associated master data list or library.  When the user knows the exact value, it can be entered in manually or values can be searched and selected using the lookup functionality.  The search options are designed to speed up this process by allowing users to narrow down your search criteria and avoid paging through hundreds of records just to locate the one they want.

Lookup Pages

Advanced search options are available by clicking the zoom icon to open the lookup page.  In addition to providing users the ability to search and select records, the lookup pages also provide ad hoc reporting capabilities with the find by and export options available.

Find by

Search Type, which can be any of the following;


Starts with


Ends With

Is Equal to

Is Not Equal to

Is Greater Than

Is Greater Than Or Equal To

Is Less Than

Is Less Than Or Equal To

Entry Fields

Maximum Records

You may select the maximum number of records to be displayed, by entering a number in the maximum records entry field this will overwrite the established System or user Default rows to return on zoom.  If you type in 5, when the zoom is launched by selecting search, no more than 5 results will be displayed on your screen.

Export Screen

Clicking this exports all the rows seen on the screen to a CSV formatted file.

Export All

Clicking this exports all the rows in the database that match the filter criteria to a CSV formatted file.

Search Type

This field is on certain zooms that have active and historical records.  The options available are: Both, Active and Historical.

Find by

Enter the criteria you want to find the record by; for example if looking for a particular vendor you may want to Find By Vendor Name.

Field Find by options will vary depending on the search being conducted.

Search Type

Select the type of search desired from the pull-down menu.


Enter the value of the search criteria.

For example, you want to search for the Vendor Mass Marketing Company, Inc., but it is not displayed as one of the visible records. You could select 'Vendor Name' in the Find by field and type 'Mass' in the Starts With field, and all Vendor codes (depending on your Default Rows to Return on Zoom setting) that begin with an 'Mass' will be returned.

Entry Toolbar


Select this button or press enter to refresh the data and records returned to the page.


This button allows users to remember (or 'lock') the selected Sorting, Find By options and criteria for that user, field, company combination.  When clicked the Find By, Search Type and Values will be saved and available the next time the zoom is opened.  Clicking the button again will 'unlock' the zoom and the default options will appear for the user the next time it is opened.


Locked:  Will remember the selected Find By, Sorting, Search Type and Values the next time the zoom is opened.

Unlocked:  Default Find By, Search Type and Values options will be displayed the next time the zoom is opened.

Display Fields

The fields displayed within each lookup will depend on the specific field or transaction that is being searched.  The column headings for each field are displayed and can be selected to sort the results with a click of the button.  An arrow icon will appear next to the column heading for the field currently being sorted indicating if it is being sorted in ascending (up) or descending (down) order.  The selected sort option will be saved when using the lock feature for the user, field, company combination.

Lookup Suggestions

When the 'Enable Lookup Suggestions' general System Setting is activated, a list of available values will appear when a lookup field has been selected, providing an alternative entry method for supporting data without opening a separate lookup page.  The lookup suggestions displayed are updated as users type into the field to display possible matches. By restricting the suggestions immediately based on matches for the associated ID or Description, users may take advantage of the auto-complete feature once a value is highlighted or choose an alternative suggestion.  The first value in the suggestion list will be automatically selected once a user begins to type into the field.