Valid wildcard characters that can be used in conjunction with the GL account number and/or segments to easily create these restrictions are illustrated below. These examples illustrate use of the masks with a three (3) Segment GL Account Number 000-0000-00. The listed masks can be used in combinations as shown.
Matches any single character, and can be used as either a prefix or suffix. The underscore represents a placeholder for each/any character(s) within the string.
_2_-1% Returns all GL Account numbers where the second digit in the first segment starts with 2 and the Second Segment Starts with 1
Matches any string of zero or more characters. This wildcard character can be used as either a prefix or a suffix.
21% Returns all GL Account numbers where the first two digits in the first segment starts with 21
Matches any single character within the specified range or set that is specified inside the square brackets.
____[5-6]1__-__ Returns Only GL Account Numbers where the First Digit of the Second Segment starts with either a 5 or 6 and the second digit is 1
Matches any single character not within the specified range or set that is specified inside the square brackets.
____5[^2]__-__ Returns Only GL Account Numbers where the First Digit of the Second Segment starts with a 5 and the second digit is NOT a 2