General Ledger - Masks

Valid wildcard characters that can be used in conjunction with the GL account number and/or segments to easily create these restrictions are illustrated below.  These examples illustrate use of the masks with a three (3) Segment GL Account Number 000-0000-00.  The listed masks can be used in combinations as shown.

_ (Underscore Wildcard - Match One Character)

Matches any single character, and can be used as either a prefix or suffix.  The underscore represents a placeholder for each/any character(s) within the string.

_2_-1% Returns all GL Account numbers where the second digit in the first segment starts with 2 and the Second Segment Starts with 1

% (Percent Sign Wildcard - Character(s) to Match)

Matches any string of zero or more characters. This wildcard character can be used as either a prefix or a suffix.  

21% Returns all GL Account numbers where the first two digits in the first segment starts with 21

[ ] (Wildcard - Character(s) to Match)

Matches any single character within the specified range or set that is specified inside the square brackets.

____[5-6]1__-__ Returns Only GL Account Numbers where the First Digit of the Second Segment starts with either a 5 or 6 and the second digit is 1

[^] (Wildcard - Character(s) Not to Match)

Matches any single character not within the specified range or set that is specified inside the square brackets.

____5[^2]__-__ Returns Only GL Account Numbers where the First Digit of the Second Segment starts with a 5 and the second digit is NOT a 2