Inventory > Maintenance > Inventory Adjustment Reason Code
Standard Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes can be setup and maintained for selection when creating Inventory Adjustment sessions. These reason codes are available for selection when creating Inventory Adjustment sessions and can be assigned at the header level to default to each line or entered individually at the line level. Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes provide the ability to further define, at the line level, the business reason for inventory adjustment transactions.
To delete the highlighted line, click in the Delete Checkbox and press the Save button on the Entry Toolbar.
Check the box to make the Reason Code available for selection in the transaction entry pages.
Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters as an identifiable code for the Inventory Adjustment reason. During selection both the code and the description will be visible.
Enter up to 128 alphanumeric characters to describe the reason for the inventory adjustment.