Administration > Maintenance > Organization
Organization setup allows the creation of Organization codes that are used throughout Procurement and Expense.
Check the box to select, then press SAVE to remove the desired line.
Indicates if the Organization is available for selection in transaction entry.
Enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters as an identifiable name or code for the organization.
Enter up to 60 alphanumeric characters for a corresponding description for the organization.
This field is available to support G/L segment override functionality and works in conjunction with the 'Enable Organization GL Integration' general System Setting. When this is enabled, the mask entered here will not influence the G/L Account selected on the transaction pages (i.e. expense or inventory accounts) throughout WorkPlace. This overlay will provide segment / partial overlay capabilities for the offsetting accounts for Accounts Payable and Purchase Accruals when the 'Enable Accrual Accounting' Receive / Match Invoice System Setting is enabled.