Expense or Time> Maintenance > Time Period - Mass Generate
Use the Time Period Maintenance page to create a multiple reporting periods by individual department for use during expense or timesheet entry in the WorkPlace Application.
To generate a single time period use the Time Period maintenance page. Time periods must be setup in order to enter a timesheet.
Clicking this will create the Time Periods based on the values entered below.
Select the Department from the zoom window that you are generating the time periods for.
Enter the desired prefix such as Week if the periods are weekly, Month if they are monthly, or Time Period, etc. when the periods are generated this value prefixes all generated period descriptions.
Select or type in a valid period start date from the calendar.
Select or type in a valid period end date from the calendar.
Select an option from the drop down on how you would like the periods generated, i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc. When Time is integrated with Dynamics GP Project Accounting, this field will be read only and returns the number of reporting periods as established within GP.
If the selected period generation option is "Miscellaneous" then this value indicates how many periods are in each year.
Select the desired Period Name option from the drop down list. If auto number is selected, you will also be able to enter the period beginning number.
This field is only editable when auto number has been selected as the period name option. When "Auto Number" is selected then this value will indicate which number to start with. Auto Number is typically used in conjunction with a Period Name Prefix to generate period names such as "Time Period 1", "Time Period 2", etc...