Inventory > Maintenance > UOM Conversion Group
UOM Conversion Group is where UOM Conversion Groups are set up and maintained.
The UOM Conversion Group page has 2 tabs:
Type in up to 20 characters to indicate the UOM Conversion Group. This is a required field.
Type in up to 60 characters to further describe the UOM Conversion Group. This is a required field.
Type in or select a valid UOM from the zoom window. UOM's are setup in Unit of Measure in Maintenance under the Inventory heading. This is a required field.
This tab is used to enter the unit of measures and conversion factor for the UOM Conversion Group. The Base UOM selected on the UOM Conversion Group tab will automatically create an entry on this tab with a Conversion Factor equal to 1. The Base UOM Conversion Factor can be edited, but the line for the Base UOM can not be deleted.
Read only field that displays the select Base UOM with you will be basing the conversion off of.
Check the box to select, then press save to remove the desired line.
Type in or select a valid UOM from the zoom window. UOM's are created in Unit of Measure in Maintenance under the Inventory heading.
Type in the conversion factor for the selected UOM, i.e. if Each is the Base UOM with a conversion factor equal to 1 and you add Case to the conversion group, if there are 10 units each in a case the conversion factor would be 10. If there are 15 units each in a case the conversion factor would be 15, etc...