Global Settings

Administration > Maintenance > Global Settings

Global settings are defined across all WorkPlace companies on the same SQL Server.  Currently Global Settings are only available when using WorkPlace in SQL Server Authentication Mode or APP Authentication Mode.  In order to have access to this feature you must be allowed access to "System\Global Settings" via WorkPlace Security.

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Entry Fields: SQL Password Rules

Minimum Length

Specifies the minimum length that a user a password can be.  When a user logs on to WorkPlace this value will be evaluated and if not met the user will be forced to change their password to a size that meets this requirement before being able to log onto WorkPlace.

Minimum Special Characters

Specifies the minimum number of special characters that must be in a users password.  Special characters are identified as those that are not A-Z or 0-9.  When a user logs on to WorkPlace the password will be subject to this rule and if not met the user will be forced to change their password to follow this setting before being able to log onto WorkPlace.

Required Change Frequency

Specifies the number of days before a user must change their password.  When initially enabled all users will be forced to change their password on next login.  When set to 0 this setting is ignored.  

Password History Length

This identifies how many previous passwords to keep track of and not allow duplication of.  For example if set to 5, and the user changes their password, they will not be allowed to use any of the past 5 passwords.