Invoice Capture Queue

The Invoice Capture Queue is available when licensed for the WorkPlace Invoice Capture solution to check the status of documents in the queue, add invoices to the queue, and synchronize with the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) service.

Document Toolbar


Clicking the Refresh button will synchronize the Invoice Capture Queue with the OCR Service, refresh the Invoices listed and update the associated status values.

Informational Fields


The Provision button will be displayed when the page is opened for a WorkPlace Company that has not been initialized for the Invoice Capture service.  Clicking the button will initialize the OCR service, updating the informational fields below and display the Queue and Files section indicating that WorkPlace Invoice Capture is ready to be used for the company.

Documents Remaining

Once Invoice Capture has been provisioned for the environment, the number of documents remaining and available for the licensed plan will be displayed.  When an environment is initially provisioned, a temporary plan will be assigned and display a small number of test documents available.  Once a plan is purchased, contact the Paramount support team and provide the Company Name, Group ID and Workflow ID to have your plan activated.  Once activated, this value will be updated.  

Start Date

Displays the start date for the current Invoice Capture plan term.

Expiration Date

Displays the expiration date for the current Invoice Capture plan.  To renew an Invoice Capture plan or add additional documents with booster packs prior to the Expiration date, contact the Paramount Sales team.

Company Name

Displays the WorkPlace Company ID.  This value will match the Company name displayed on toolbar and login pages once the environment has been provisioned.

Group ID

Displays the Invoice Capture Group ID for reference purposes once the environment has been provisioned.

Workflow ID

Displays the Invoice Capture Workflow ID for reference purposes once the environment has been provisioned.

Email Address

The email that has been assigned to the Invoice Capture service for the current WorkPlace company database and associated Workflow ID.  Invoices sent to this email address will be processed through the Invoice Capture service.  

FTP Info

The secure FTP site dedicated to the Invoice Capture service for the current WorkPlace company database and associated Workflow ID.  Invoices saved to this location will be processed through the Invoice Capture service.  

Queue Fields


Deletes the document from the Invoice Capture Queue.  Documents that are in a status of rejected, output of exported can be deleted to allow the document to be sent to the queue for processing again or manually entered when errors are encountered.  Documents that are being processed by the service cannot be deleted.

Date Created

The date that the Invoice was added to the Invoice Capture Queue.

Document ID

A unique numeric identifier assigned to each Invoice captured by the OCR service for reference purposes.


The Status of the Invoice transaction will be displayed as one of the following options;

New:  The initial status for any document added or sent to the OCR Service.

Pre-processing:  The OCR service has begun processing the document.

Indexing:  The file is being indexed by the OCR service.

Rejected:  Errors were encountered by the OCR Service that require attention.  The document will be available to open in the document mapping interface.

QA:  xxxxxxx

Output:  The invoice is being processed from the OCR service to WorkPlace.

Exported:  The document has been exported from the OCR Service and available for corrections on the Invoice Capture page.  

Archived:  The Invoice has been successfully processed.


The option to 'Make Corrections' will be displayed as a hyperlink depending on the Status of the invoice and if an action is permitted.  

When an Invoice is in a status of 'Rejected', clicking this link will navigate to the OCR service to provide additional information within the document mapping interface.  Once the required information is provided, the invoice will be able to be processed and the OCR service will retain the information for the next time an invoice is received from the vendor.

Invoices with a status of 'Exported' have been successfully integrated to WorkPlace but require additional information before a Check Request or Invoice Match transaction can be created.  Clicking the 'Make Corrections' Action will open the Invoice Capture page to update the transaction details.

File Name

Displays the original file name for the invoice.


The Source of the Invoice is based on how the document was received by the OCR Service and will be displayed as one of the following options;

WorkPlace Web Upload:  Added by dragging and dropping onto the Invoice Capture Queue page using the 'Files' section below.

Email:  Sent to the designated Invoice Capture Email address.

SFTP:  Copied to the designated Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) site for the OCR Service.


Error messages will be displayed for invoices in a status of Rejected or Exported requiring the user's attention to process to the next stage.


As indicated by the 'Drop Files Here' watermark, this section of the page will allow one or more files to be dropped onto the page and uploaded to the Invoice Capture Queue.  If errors are encountered, they will be displayed in a pop up with a list of 'Rejected Files' that could not be uploaded.  Files that have been successfully uploaded will be added to the Invoice Capture Queue with a New status and 'WorkPlace Web Upload' Source value.