Invoice Capture

The Invoice Capture page can be opened from the Invoice Capture Queue to view and edit an Invoice that was processed to WorkPlace from the OCR service but requires additional information before it can be submitted as a Check Request or Receive / Match Invoice.  This page will only be available to be opened for documents with a status of 'exported' since Invoices that are processed through the Invoice Capture solution without encountering any validation errors will automatically be submitted for approval.

The information returned from the Invoice Capture solution will be displayed for the user to review, validate and correct where needed.

Document Toolbar


Clicking this option will send the document back through the Invoice Capture solution to provide an opportunity to update the field level mapping and associate business learning.  This is helpful in the event that the OCR service has already learned the layout for a particular Vendor invoice but information was originally missed or needs to be re-mapped.

Invoice Entry

Clicking this option will save the invoice and redirect the user to the transaction entry page as an alternative method of dealing with invoice automation exceptions.  When a Purchase Order number is populated, the invoice will be saved as a Receive / Match Invoice transaction while non-PO invoices will be saved as a Check Request.  This option is available for users who wish to review or edit additional information that is not otherwise available on the Invoice Capture page and manually submit for approval.



Clicking the submit button will validate the invoice information and submit the Payables transaction for approval.  When the PO Number field is populated with a valid Purchase Order, a Receive / Match Invoice transaction will be created using the type assigned to the  'Transaction Type to Create for PO Invoices' System Setting.  For non-PO Invoices, a Check Request transaction will be created.

Header Fields


This field is only available when Intercompany is registered to select the company that owns the payable for the invoice to enter or select the source company for the invoice.  This is typically the company where the Vendor is setup and will own the resulting transaction.


Confirm or select a valid Vendor ID for the selected Invoice.

PO Number

Displays the Purchase Order number that was identified by the Invoice Capture service.  If no Purchase Order number was found, this field will be blank.  For non-PO related invoices, this field should be left blank to create a Check Request transaction.  To match the invoice to a Purchase Order, this field will need to be populated with a valid, open Purchase Order number for the Vendor to create a Receive / Match Invoice transaction.

When invoices are scanned, the OCR service business learning will allow users to map incomplete document numbers for PO Match Invoices.  This ensures that the Invoice Capture solution can accommodate vendors that only display partial document numbers without the associated prefix on their invoices so that invoices with a value such as '98773' can be properly matched to a WorkPlace Purchase Order number of 'PO0098773'.  Once the document has been passed to WorkPlace, the PO Number value displayed here must match the Purchase Order Number value in it's entirety.


This field is available to select a WorkPlace user that the invoice is being entered on behalf of and will default based on the 'Make the "Default User for Invoice Capture" the Owner for all Invoices' Invoice Capture System Setting.  When enabled, the owner will be assigned as the 'Default User for Invoice Capture'. When disabled, the owner of each invoice will be the user who uploaded it on the Invoice Capture Queue page. If the invoice was emailed, the owner will be assigned as the WorkPlace user whose username or email matches the 'from' email address.  If an owner cannot be matched and the 'Default User for Invoice Capture' System Setting is not populated, the Owner field will be blank and need to be populated in order to process the invoice.

Only users setup as Alternates in Security will be available for the user to select from.  Upon submission, the approval workflow will be determined based on the Owner assigned to the invoice.  The owner assigned to invoices will determine what documents are displayed to the user in the Invoice Capture Queue and include the following;

Invoice Number

The vendor document number returned from the Invoice Capture service that will be assigned to the Invoice transaction..

Invoice Date

The date returned from the Invoice Capture service that will be assigned to the Invoice transaction.

Due Date

The due date returned from the Invoice Capture service that will be assigned to the Invoice transaction.


The Organization field will be available for selection when the 'Enable Organization GL Integration' System Setting is enabled to type in or select a valid Organization Code for the invoice.

Line Fields


Invoice lines that are not matched to a Purchase Order line will display the unmatched icon.  All non-PO invoice lines will display this indicator since the PO Number field is blank and the Invoice will create a Check Request transaction.  If a PO Number is specified above, users can click the icon to open the PO Item Match page and select a PO line to match against.  Users will only be permitted to match against lines if they have not already been matched to another Invoice line.


The matched icon will appear for all Invoice lines that have successfully been matched to an existing line for the indicated Purchase Order number.  Users may still click the icon to open the PO Item Match page to remove the link and match to an alternative line on the Purchase Order.  


The Item number for the goods or services.

Item Description

The description of the line item.


The quantity of the goods or services invoiced.


The unit price of the goods or services.

Amt Extended

The total line amount.


The following total amounts will be displayed as read only for reference purposes based on the information passed from the Invoice Capture service.


The subtotal for the invoice returned from the Invoice Capture service.


The discount amount returned from the Invoice Capture service.


The freight amount returned from the Invoice Capture service.


The tax amount returned from the Invoice Capture service.


The total invoice amount returned from the Invoice Capture service.

Imported Invoice Fields

WorkPlace uses the following fields when attempting to assign a valid WorkPlace Vendor for invoices that are processed through the service and displayed as read only for reference purposes.

Bill To Name

The Bill To Name will be available when Intercompany is registered or when the 'Enable Organization GL Integration' System Setting is enabled for the Invoice Capture service to identify the Source Company or Organization / entity that should be associated to the invoice.  

Vendor Name

Displays the name of the Vendor that was returned by the Invoice Capture service.  The value displayed will be compared to the WorkPlace Vendors' Name, Address Name, and Check Name values.

Vendor Phone

Displays the phone number that was returned by the Invoice Capture service if applicable.

Vendor Tax Number

Displays the Tax Number or ABN number that was returned by the Invoice Capture service for matching against the Tax ID or Tax Registration values assigned to the Vendor.


The inline attachment viewer is displayed on the right hand side of the page to allow the user to view and compare the invoice information.  Only supported file formats (i.e. PDF, BMP, GIF, EXIF, JPG, PNG and TIFF) are able to be displayed in the Attachments viewer.