
Accounts Payable > Maintenance > Vendor

Use this page to view current vendors setup in the system, enter Vendors for the Vendor Approval process and to specify rank and Commodity information which is utilized for assigning vendors in an RFQ Session.

There are multiple tabs that will be available depending on the WorkPlace solutions and interfaces that have been licensed and installed:







Portal Users


Vendor Tab

Document Toolbars



This button is available when a vendor is approved and allows the user to edit the vendor information and resubmit the changes for approval.






Submit vendor for approval.


Recall vendor from approval

More Information


Displays pending approvals with a detailed audit log displaying past approvals and field changes.


Active Checkbox

Indicates if vendor is active.  Active Vendors will be available for selection on transaction and maintenance pages.

Vendor Status

Indicates the status of the Vendor in Dynamics GP (Active, Inactive, or Temporary). When Vendor Approval is licensed, this field can be edited on new or existing Vendors and changes will update the related Vendor record in Dynamics GP.


When left blank the Vendor is available for all companies, if a company is specified it belongs exclusively to that company.


Vendor ID.  Type in up to 30 characters to indicate the Vendor.


Name of Vendor.  Type in up to 300 characters to further describe the Vendor.

Current Balance

This is a read only field that will display the current balance (as a negative amount in employee Vendor's currency) owed to the company for Cash Advanced or Personal Expenses when using the 'Cash Advance / Personal' Expense Type option.  When this value is zero (0), the employee does not have any outstanding balance owed to the company.  When this value is less than zero, WorkPlace will automatically deduct from subsequent reimbursable expenses as they are saved or submitted until the employee's balance reaches zero.  These reduction will appear as negative lines upon save of new Expense Sheets for an amount equal to the lesser of the 'Current Balance' or total expense lines reimbursable to the Employee.

Posting Code

Optionally enter or select a valid Posting Code for transactions when Accrual Accounting is activated in System Settings.

Vendor Class

Type in or select a valid Vendor Class from the zoom window.  Vendor Classes are setup in Vendor Class in Maintenance under the Accounts Payable heading.

Primary Address

Type in or select a valid address from the zoom window. Vendor Addresses are setup on the Address tab.

Purchasing Address

Type in or select a valid address from the zoom window. Vendor Addresses are setup on the Address tab.

Remit To Address

Type in or select a valid address from the zoom window. Vendor Addresses are setup on the Address tab.


Currency that vendor typically uses.  This currency will be used on transaction entry when this vendor is specified.

Tax Schedule

Type in or select a valid tax schedule from the zoom window.


Type in or select a valid Freight On Board from the zoom window. FOB's are setup in Freight on Board in Maintenance under the Central heading.


Type in or select a valid branch from the zoom window. Branches are setup in Company Address in Maintenance under the Central heading.

Payment Term

Type in or select a valid payment term from the zoom window.

Shipping Method

Type in or select a valid shipping method from the zoom window.


Identifies the vendors rank.  A value closer to one is more desirable while a higher value is less desirable.  This value is used in conjunction with the assign vendors operation in a RFQ Session, those vendors with a lower rank will be at the top of the list of vendors available to assign to the requisitions.

Expected Delivery Days

Type in a number. This is an informational field only, unless used in conjunction with the system setting "Override Date Promised Upon Save Based on Vendor's Expected Delivery Days".  If used in conjunction with the system setting then the value indicates how many days in the future the "Date Promised" on the Requisition Line will be set to, upon Save, when a Vendor is selected on the Requisition Line.

Subject to Withholding

Identifies if the vendor is subject to withholding.

Automatically Process and Sent PO when fully Approved (Vendor must be configured to receive PO via eMail or PunchOut)

When enabled, Requisitions will be automatically processed to Purchase Orders when fully approved (or auto-approved) for the Vendor. This setting eliminates the need to load fully approved (or auto-approved) Requisitions into a Review session to be Ordered and Processed to PO for this Vendor.  To ensure the automatically generated Purchase Orders are delivered to the Vendor, this option is only available when the automatic email PO option is enabled on the Vendor Info pageEmail tab or the Vendor is Punchout enabled.


Vendor's withholding tax rate.

Tax ID

The Tax ID field is an optional field available to enter up to 11 characters for the Vendor's Tax ID for reference purposes.

Tax Registration

The Tax ID field is an optional field available to enter up to 25 characters for the Vendor's Tax Registration number for reference purposes.  

Tax Type

Type in or select the 1099 Tax Type for the Vendor.

Default 1099 Box Number

Type in or select the default 1099 Box Number for the Vendor.  This value will default for Check Request and Receive/Match Invoice transactions.

Minimum Order Amount

Type in a dollar amount that represents the minimum order amount for the Vendor.  When this value is greater than zero, users will be prompted with a message box when releasing Purchase Orders for this Vendor that total less than the specified amount.  The minimum order amount is validated when users process a Review session or upon final release of a Purchase Order in Entry or Approval.

Restrict Minimum Order Amount

When checked, the amount specified in the Minimum Order Amount field will be enforced so users are unable to release Purchase Orders for amounts that total less than the specified amount.  If this option is not checked, the user will still be prompted with a pop-up that details the amounts that are under the minimum order amount for each Vendor with options to Continue or Cancel.

G/L Segment Default

This section is available when Advanced Account Lookup is licensed to allow selection of default G/L Segment values for the selected Vendor.

G/L Segment Caption

Each active G/L Segment ID will be listed and available for selection.  The field label will be based on the Description entered on the G/L Segment maintenance page.

G/L Segment Default

Enter or select a valid value for the selected G/L Segment ID.

Accounts Tab

This tab displays the posting accounts for the Vendor by assigned Location based on the Posting Codes setup within the Posting Code Hierarchy.

Entry Fields

Location Navigation

Select from all locations to display the associated Accounts Payable accounts for the Vendor by location.  The {Unspecified Location} option will display the posting accounts that will be used for purchasing transactions with no location selected (blank).

Manual Checkbox

Check the box to manually enter the GL Account.  When checked, the GL Account entered will be saved for that Vendor and location and will not be overridden when updates are made throughout the Posting Code Hierarchy.


When Intercompany is licensed, this field will display the Company ID for the associated G/L Account.


Displays the description of the posting type for the GL Account.

G/L Account

By default, this field will be read-only and display the resulting GL Account for each posting type based on the setups made through the Posting Code Hierarchy for Accounts Payable.  If the Manual Checkbox is marked, the user will be able to manually enter an account or select one through the GL Account zoom.  The accounts displayed in this section will be used during transaction entry based on the Vendor and Location.

Commodity Tab

Delete Checkbox

Check the box to select, then press save to remove the desired line.


Type in or Select the Commodity to assign to the Vendor.


Based on the Commodity selected, the description will be shown.


This tab will be available for selection when the WorkPlace Request for Quote (RFQ) module is licensed and is not available or required for WorkPlace RFQ Portal environments.  These settings establish the vendor interface in conjunction with the RFQ add-on module.  System Settings must also be configured on the RFQ tab for use with this feature.

Entry Fields

RFQ enabled

Select this checkbox to activate the selected vendor for interface with the WorkPlace Request for Quote module.

Login Name

Enter a vendor login name for the selected Vendor.

Login Password

Enter a vendor password for the selected Vendor.

Email Tab

Entry Fields

Automatically eMail PO to Vendor

Select this checkbox to automatically eMail the Purchase order to the selected vendor when created from review.  When enabled, Purchase Orders generated from WorkPlace will be sent as an attachment to the eMail address specified below as well as the eMail address for the Vendor Address selected for the Requisition line if one is specified.

Email Address

Enter the eMail address for this vendor.

Email CC

Enter an eMail carbon copy address for this vendor, if desired.

Email BCC

Enter an eMail blind carbon copy address for this vendor, if desired.

Email Format

Select the format HTML or text for the eMail sent to the selected vendor.

Portal Users Tab

This tab will display when interfaced with the WorkPlace Portal used for adding new portal users.

Entry Fields


Checking this will remove the contact from the selected vendor.

eMail Address

eMail of contact as setup in the WorkPlace Portal and where the RFQ will be sent to.

First Name

First name of contact as setup in the WorkPlace Portal..

Last Name

Last name of contact as setup in the WorkPlace Portal.

PunchOut Tab

This tab will be available for selection when the WorkPlace Punchout module is licensed.  This add-on module allows the WorkPlace Requisition solution to integrate real-time with the vendor's on-line catalogs, providing up-to-date inventory on-hand and pricing information specific to your company.  Implementation of this module is dependent on support of cXML transactions by your vendor.  

During Requisition entry, users shop vendor on-line catalogs and check out, which automatically fills Requisition line details from items selected. The buyer is then able to automatically send the Purchase Order information electronically by sending an electronic record via a cXML packet once processed for Order during the review session.

Document Toolbar

Client Certificates(s)

When using Client Certificates over SSL with a Vendor for PunchOut it is required to attach the Public Client Certificate to the Vendor using this Link. The Public Certificate will end with a .cer extension and should be exported from the certificates add-on via the mmc console.  See the "Installing and Troubleshooting SSL Client Certificates.pdf" document for more information on Client Certificate Setup.  

Entry Fields

From Identity

Enter the Company from identity, this information will be provided from your vendor for access to their on-line catalog.

Sender Identity

Enter the sendor identity, this information will be provided from your vendor for access to their on-line catalog.

To Identity

Enter the Company to identity, this information will be provided from your vendor for access to their on-line catalog.

Shared Secret

Enter the password for the vendor on-line catalog, this information will be provided from your vendor for access to their on-line catalog.  

PunchOut Enabled

Select this checkbox to activate the selected vendor for PunchOut.  

Transmit On or After

Enter or select a valid starting date for PunchOut.  This date will default to the current date when the PunchOut Enabled option is selected to control the point in time when Orders will be sent to the Vendor via cXML.  Purchase Orders created before this date for the Vendor (i.e. before the PunchOut relationship was established) will not be sent via cXML.

Supplier Setup URL

Enter the on-line catalog address for the selected vendor, this information will be provided from your vendor for access to their on-line catalog during requisition entry.  

Order URL

Enter the on-line address for Order Placement with  the selected vendor, this information will be provided from your vendor for access to electronically place the order from requisition review.  


Identify the proper data coding format for data communication with the on-line catalog.

SSL Protocol

Protocol to use when punching out to a HTTPS / SSL web site.  The default is "BOTH", on pre-IIS7 web servers the SSL 3.0 will be tried first and then the TLS, IIS7 and later does the reverse.  in some cases when the TLS is attempted first the vendors web site will terminate the connection and an error message such as "The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.".  If this occurs then the first step should be to specify "SSL 3.0" in this field and try again.

cXML Packet Settings

The PunchOut module lists the same Entry Fields on each of the following four tabs:

Setup Request

Order Response Mapping

Order Request

Order request Item OUt

Entry Fields

Use System Default Setup Request Packet

Select this checkbox if your customer or vendor does not supply specific packet information.

If this box is checked, the code in the text box below will be ignored.

cXML Setup Request Packet text box

Specify custom cXML code in this box when not using the default option above.

Load Default cXML

Pastes default cXML code into the text box for viewing or editing

Tax Classes

Entry Fields

Delete Checkbox

Check the box to select, then press SAVE to remove the line.

Tax Detail

Enter or select a Tax ID for the selected Vendor.

Tax Class

Enter or select an available Vendor Tax Class based on the selected Tax ID.  This Tax Class will default for this Vendor when the Tax ID is included in the Tax Details for a transaction.

Tax Included Checkbox

Enable this option to indicate that tax is included in the Price by default for this Tax ID for this Vendor.  When enabled, this will default to the Tax Detail at the transaction line level when this Tax Class is applied.  This value will default when Vendors are assigned to a Vendor Class or from the 'Tax Included in Amount' setting when the Tax ID is selected.