When creating or editing items on a Purchase Order, the active line will be highlighted. The fields that are displayed will vary based on installed modules and interfaces - and by individual user - depending on security or restrictions applied on user defined field templates.
Any Field with a red asterisk indicates that it is a required field and data must either be selected or entered by the user before they will be allowed to Print the Purchase Order. User configuration in your environment determines which fields are required during Purchase Order entry; however, before a Purchase Order can be Printed, additional fields may be required.
Delete is only available on PO's that have not been printed.
Close is available after the PO has been Released. Close will mark the PO as Closed and no further Receipts or Invoice Matches will be allowed against the PO.
This button will be available to recall Purchase Orders that are awaiting approval.
Change Order
When Change Order is selected the PO will be made editable. If nothing has been Printed then the entire PO will be editable and the Revision number will not be incremented. Only when a PO is printed will the Revision number be incremented and recorded in history. If the PO has been printed then any of the lines that have been received against will only allow editing of the quantity ordered to that of what has been already received. If nothing has been received then the entire line is editable but Purchase Order number and Vendor cannot be changed. When the revision number is incremented, a copy is made of the original PO and stored in history.
When Print is selected the Purchase Order will submitted for Approval, if the PO is auto-approved it will then be Printed. If the PO requires approval the PO will not be Printed and a message will be returned to the user. Once a PO is printed it can only be changed via the Change Order button.
resend cxml
This feature is only visible and available when interfaced with the WorkPlace PunchOut module. Select this hyperlink following completion of order to electronically resend Purchase Order information to the vendor.
This action button will appear when the selected Purchase Order is available to Receive. When clicked, a Receive Match Invoice of type 'Receipt' will be automatically loaded for the user to process.
Receive & Invoice
This action button will appear when the selected Purchase Order is available to Receive. When clicked, a Receive Match Invoice of type 'Receipt/Invoice' will be automatically loaded for the user to process.
This action button will appear when the selected Purchase Order is available to Invoice Match. When clicked, a Receive Match Invoice of type 'Invoice' will be automatically loaded for the user to process.
A system generated sequential tracking number assigned the Purchase Order. You can also type in to create a PO Number.
This field is only available when Intercompany is registered. Enter or select the source company for the requisition. This is typically the company where the Vendor is setup and will own the Purchase Order.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Organization Code.
Select the type of PO to generate, Standard, Blanket, Drop Ship or Drop Ship w/Receipt.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Vendor ID.
Based on the Vendor ID, the Vendor Name will be shown.
Will default the current day the Purchase Order is created, can be modified if needed.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Currency ID.
Source of PO, whether it be manual or auto.
Name of the user who is logged in and creating the Purchase Order, they are the 'owner' of the Purchase Order.
System date PO is created.
The status of the PO, i.e. New, Awaiting Approval, Change Order, Release, Received.
Displays the number of times a Purchase Order has been revised due to a Change Order.
This field is only available when Intercompany is registered to default on each purchase order line. This is typically the company that will receive the items on the purchase order.
This field will be populated with the Home or default department for the user based on User Security and/or the User Defined Field Template which also determines whether the field is read-only or the user can select from the department list. Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Department. When Department is changed on the PO Header it will default the same department to the PO Detail lines. (The Department on the header and detail lines do not have to remain the same.)
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Budget module, this field appears on the General tab and toggles with the active PO detail line. Type in or select the appropriate Budget for this line item.
This field is defaulted from the Vendor and can be overridden by typing in or selecting a valid shipping method from the Zoom Window.
Type in or select an appropriate Vendor Contract from the Zoom Window.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Budget module, this field appears on the General tab and toggles with the active PO detail line. The date entered or selected must fall within an appropriate date range established on the WorkPlace Budget.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Tax Schedule.
The address defaulted from the Ship To Address ID selected can be edited.
Enter a valid Billing address.
The Purchasing Address ID will be defaulted from the vendor selected on the PO Header if exist for the vendor in Vendor in Maintenance under the Account Payable heading. The address defaulted from the Purchase Address ID selected can be edited.
Type in or Select from the Zoom Window a valid Remittance Address ID.
Used with Drop Ship, type in or select a valid Customer and Address ID.
Used with Blanket Purchase Orders to provide the following information:
Invoice Limit Amount: Key in the amount allowed to be invoiced against for the Blanket Purchase Order. The Invoice Limit amount is entered in the originating currency for the Purchase Order.
Invoice Limit Variance Percentage: This is a percent field where a user will optionally enter the variance allowed to invoice over, example if the Purchase Order can be invoiced up to 5% over, the user would key in the number 5.
When a Blanket PO is invoiced the amounts being invoiced will be kept track of and validated against the "Invoice Limit Amount" entered for the “Blanket PO”. If the extended amount of the current Invoice line plus the extended amounts of any previous Invoices for the Blanket PO is within the "Invoice Limit Amount" subject to the "Invoice Limit Variance Percentage", the Invoice Match Session will be processed. If this total is NOT within the "Invoice Limit Amount" subject to the "Invoice Limit Variance Percentage", the Invoice Match Session will be not be able to be Saved or Processed and error message will be returned “Amount invoiced exceeds the amount allowed to be Invoiced.”
To delete the highlighted requisition line, click in the Delete Checkbox and press the Save button on the Entry Toolbar.
Line item attachment.
System assigned line item number.
Type in or select a valid item from the Zoom Window. Miscellaneous items can also be typed in.
If an Item was selected, the associated description will automatically populate this field. If no item has been selected then the user will have to type in an appropriate description for the line item. This is a required field and is the description that will appear on the Purchase Order sent to the vendor.
Type in the quantity of the item needed.
Optionally type in the quantity of the item to be cancelled from the original order. This field is available when the 'Enable Quantity Canceled' System Setting is enabled.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Unit of Measure; such as each, box, etc. If an Item was selected, the Purchasing UOM will automatically populate this field but can be overridden by typing in or selecting a valid Unit of Measure from the Zoom Window.
Type in the unit Price of the requested item. If an Item has been selected in the Item field, then the price will default from the item.
This field is on the header and the detail line. Enter a discount amount for the item on the active line. The total of the discount from all lines in the session will show on the header. You can modify the discount total on the header - if modified on the header the manual checkbox next to discount on the header will be enabled. If the checkbox is unchecked, upon save the discount total will recalculate based on the lines in the session.
This field is on the header and the detail line. Enter a freight amount for the item on the active line. The total of the freight from all lines in the session will show on the header. You can modify the freight total on the header - if modified on the header the manual checkbox next to freight on the header will be enabled. If the checkbox is unchecked, upon save the freight total will recalculate based on the lines in the session.
This field is on the header and the detail line. Enter a miscellaneous amount for the item on the active line. The total of the miscellaneous from all lines in the session will show on the header. You can modify the miscellaneous total on the header - if modified on the header the manual checkbox next to miscellaneous on the header will be enabled. If the checkbox is unchecked, upon save the miscellaneous total will recalculate based on the lines in the session.
This read-only field will display the additional calculated tax based on the amount and Tax Schedule selected for the Purchase Order line. The details for this calculation are available to view and update for users with assigned Security to the Tax Detail page and will be the total tax amount where the 'Tax Included' option is not checked for an assigned Tax ID.
This read-only field will display the total tax amount included in the Price that was calculated based on the associated Tax ID's for the line. The details for this calculation are available to view and update for users with assigned Security to the Tax Detail page and will be the total tax amount where the 'Tax Included' option is checked for an assigned Tax ID.
The read-only Subtotal for the line will be displayed when the 'Enable Additional Subtotal Display' System Setting has been enabled. The subtotal is calculated as Quantity x Price and does not include any Freight, Miscellaneous , Discount or additive Tax amounts. When the related 'Exclude Tax Included in Subtotal' System Setting is also enabled, the subtotal will not include any Tax Included amounts (i.e. when checked on the Tax Detail page) and will reflect the taxable cost amount for the item.
Total for line item.
This field is only available when Intercompany is registered. Enter or select a valid target company for the Purchase Order line. This is typically the company that will receive the items on the purchase order.
This field will be populated with the Home or default department for the user based on User Security and/or the User Defined Field Template which also determines whether the field is read-only or the user can select from the department list. Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Department.
Type in or select an appropriate Vendor Contract from the Zoom Window. When Vendor Contract is selected on the PO Header it will default the same Vendor Contract to the PO Detail lines. (The Vendor Contract on the header and detail lines do not have to remain the same.)
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Location ID. If an Item was selected, the Location will automatically populate this field but can be overridden by typing in or selecting a valid Location ID from the Zoom Window.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Vendor Item. Upon saving this value will be validated against the Item to make sure the relationship exists, if it does not the user will have to correct it in order to save.
Type in or select a valid manufacturer's item from the Zoom Window. Upon saving this value will be validated against the Item to make sure the relationship exists, if it does not the user will have to correct it in order to save. When an Item or Vendor Item is selected, the primary Manufacturer's Item will be set by default. If this field is left blank then the Primary item will be defaulted into this field upon save.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Users are allowed to type in or select a valid Project ID from the Zoom Window. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
Will default the current day the PO is created. If known enter the date the item is needed.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Budget module, this field appears. Type in or select an appropriate Budget from the Zoom Window. When Budget is selected on the PO Header it will default the same Budget to the PO Detail lines. (The Budget on the header and detail lines do not have to remain the same.)
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid General Ledger Account number. When Inventory Management is licensed, this field will default based on the GL Posting Code setups for the selected Item.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Priority. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
Type in or Select from the Zoom Window a Shipping Method. The Shipping Method will be defaulted from the vendor selected on the PO Header if exist for the vendor in Vendor in Maintenance under the Account Payable heading.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Users are allowed to type in or select a valid Phase ID from the Zoom Window. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
Will default the current day the PO is created. If known enter the vendor promised delivery date.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Budget module, this field appears. The date entered or selected must fall within an appropriate date range established on the WorkPlace Budget.
Enter or select a valid G/L Analysis ID. The values available for selection will be based on the selected G/L Account for the line and it's associated G/L Analysis Group rule assignment.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Tax Schedule. When Tax Schedule is selected on the PO Header it will default the same Tax Schedule to the PO Detail lines. (The Tax Schedule on the header and detail lines do not have to remain the same.)
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Users are allowed to type in or select a valid Activity ID from the Zoom Window. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
The Vendor Comment will print on the default Purchase Order to provide additional information or instructions to the Vendor.
If desired, type in or copy the web site address referencing the item you are requesting.
Open text field. This comment stays within Purchase Order.
Where the item(s) for the order is sent to. Type in or Select from the Zoom Window a valid Ship To Address. The arrow button opens the Ship To Address page. Where the address selected can be view and/or edited.
These fields are available when Advanced Account Lookups is licensed. Each active GL Segment that the user has access to will be available for entry or selection of up to 15 Segment ID values. The field labels will be displayed based on the GL Segment setup. When a valid Segment ID is selected, the associated description will be displayed below each field. Valid entries for each field are determined based on the GL Segment Relationships setup and maintained within GL Segment maintenance.
Type in or Select from the Zoom Window a valid Payment Term. The Payment Term will be defaulted from the vendor selected on the PO Header if exist for the vendor in Vendor in Maintenance under the Account Payable heading.
This field is only available when "Card Name Selection" is licensed and wheen using the WorkPlace Enterprise Dynamics GP integration. Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Card Name from GP. When a card name is specified it will be passed over to the GP Accounts Payable transaction. The entire amount of the line will also be allocated to the Credit Card.
Type in or Select from the Zoom Window a valid Branch. The Branch will be defaulted from the vendor selected on the PO Header if exist for the vendor in Vendor in Maintenance under the Account Payable heading.
Type in or Select from the Zoom Window a valid Freight On Board. The FOB will be defaulted from the vendor selected on the PO Header if exist for the vendor in Vendor in Maintenance under the Account Payable heading.
Free form text box.
Duplicate Line
GL Distribution - Clicking this will open a form allowing the user to split the PO line among multiple GL Accounts.
Select this button to view and modify the tax details for the line when permissions have been assigned in Security.