Security Tab Overview

The Security tab in WorkPlace Security allows you to grant the user access to specific functions within the system.  Depending on your WorkPlace configuration there are two methods of establishing Security options User or Role.

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Command Buttons


This button MUST be selected when using SQL authentication once the appropriate access selections have been made for the user.  This button must also be pressed when any changes are made on this tab to properly refresh database permissions for this WorkPlace user.

In order to REFRESH User Permissions you must have SQL SYSADMIN privileges for the currently logged in company.

Select All

Use to set the ALLOW Checkbox on all listed pages, allowing the user access to all of the maintenance and/or processing functions for all listed tabs.


Select All Current Tab

Use to set the ALLOW Checkbox on the currently active page, allowing the user access to all of the maintenance and/or processing functions for the active tab.


Clear All

Use to clear the ALLOW Checkbox on all listed pages, allowing the user access to all of the maintenance and/or processing functions for all listed tabs.

Clear All Current Tab

Use to clear the ALLOW Checkbox on the currently active page, allowing the user access to all of the maintenance and/or processing functions for the active tab.


Access Tab

The Access tab allows you to grant the user access to specific functions within the system.  By selecting the Security 'Allow' checkbox, the user will be given access for that selection.  Depending on WorkPlace Modules and/or Interfaces installed, various sub-tabs will appear on this page.  SELECT from the options below to view the specific security options available for each tab:

Accounts Payable  Accounts Receivable  Administration  Budget  Catalog  Expense  General Ledger  Inventory  KwikTag  Multi Currency  Project  Purchase Order  Receive/Match Invoice  Requisition/Check Request  RFQ  Time  Vendor Contract


Entry Fields

Allow Checkbox

Gives access to the respective maintenance and/or processing functions.  If both allow and deny remain unchecked no access is granted to the respective maintenance or processing function.

Deny Checkbox

Denies access to the respective maintenance and/or processing functions.  If both allow and deny remain unchecked no access is granted to the respective maintenance or processing function.


Role Tab

The Role tab allows you to grant the user access to specific functions within the system based on the Role or Roles established.  Once a Role or Roles have been moved from Available to the Selected and the Refresh button has been selected, Security Access Allow/Deny check boxes will automatically be applied to the currently selected WorkPlace user.  Use the access tab to override any setting for a given role or roles applied to this user.  A WorkPlace user can be associated with multiple roles

When using Role based security Allow/Deny checkboxes are selected on the role (no checkbox will be visible on the access tabs) and will be applied to the user once associated here.  Use the access tab to override a setting for role(s) applied to this user.


Entry Fields

Available Roles

List of available user roles which can be selected and associated to the currently selected WorkPlace user.

Selected Roles

List of roles which have been selected and associated to the currently selected WorkPlace user.


Command Buttons