Security Access - inventory

Selecting the Allow checkbox gives the user full access to the following Inventory options.  If nothing is selected for the option, the user will not have access.

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Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to setup and maintain commodities.

Handheld Item

Available when the Inventory Management Handheld Interface has been licensed for users with Handheld module access.  Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to view and manage Inventory Item information from handheld devises.

Handheld Item (read only)

Selecting ALLOW restricts the handheld user to only view Inventory Item information from handheld devises.

Inventory Adjustment Reason Code

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to setup and maintain Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes.

Inventory Replenishment

Selecting ALLOW gives a user access to the Inventory Replenishment function.


Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to setup and maintain items.

Item Group

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to setup and maintain item groups.


Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to setup and maintain locations.

Unit of Measure

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to setup and maintain unit of measure.

UOM Conversion Group

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to setup and maintain unit of measure conversion groups.



Cost Layer Adjustment

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter Cost Layer Adjustment sessions.

Handheld Inventory Adjustment

Available when the Inventory Management Handheld Interface has been licensed for users with Handheld module access.  Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter Inventory Adjustments from handheld devises.

Handheld Transfer/Release Receipt

Available when the Inventory Management Handheld Interface has been licensed for users with Handheld module access.  Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter Transfer/Release Receipt sessions from handheld devises.

Handheld Transfer/Release Ship

Available when the Inventory Management Handheld Interface has been licensed for users with Handheld module access.  Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter Transfer/Release Ship sessions from handheld devises.

Handheld Work Order Stock Return

Available when the Inventory Management Handheld and Work Order Interfaces have been licensed for users with Handheld module access.  Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter "Remove from Case" transactions from handheld devises.

Handheld Work Order Stock Use

Available when the Inventory Management Handheld and Work Order Interfaces have been licensed for users with Handheld module access.  Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter "Case Usage" transactions from handheld devises.

Inventory Adjustment

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter Inventory Adjustment sessions.

Physical Inventory

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter Physical Inventory sessions.  The option to Process a Physical Inventory session will not be available unless the user also has permission to the 'Physical Inventory - Process' security setting.

Physical Inventory - Process

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to process Physical Inventory sessions.  This setting requires the user to also have access to the Physical Inventory page.

Release Request

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter Release Request sessions.

Transfer Request

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter Transfer Request sessions.

Transfer/Release Receipt

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter Transfer/Release Receipt sessions.

Transfer/Release Ship

Selecting ALLOW gives a user the ability to enter Transfer/Release Ship sessions.



Selecting ALLOW gives the selected user the ability to run the report.  A link for each available report will be displayed on the Reports section of the dashboard.