Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Adjustment sessions are available for users with security permissions to adjust quantities in or out of inventory.  Adjustment sessions are also be automatically created from Physical Inventory and Purchase Order Receiving when quantity tracked inventory item levels are effected.  Existing Inventory Adjustment sessions can be edited by selecting them from the Outstanding Transactions heading on the WorkPlace Dashboard.  Open Inventory Adjustment Session(s) are those that have already been created but have not yet been submitted.  

Document Toolbar







Header Fields


A system generated sequential tracking number assigned to all Inventory Adjustments as defined on the Inventory tab in System Settings.

Created On

System generated date identifying when the Release Request was created.

Created By

Name of the user who is logged in and creating the Release Request, they are the 'owner' of the session.

Adjustment Type

This read-only field displays the type of adjustment and will default to Adjustment for manually created sessions.  Adjustment sessions created from other areas of the Inventory Workflow will be displayed for historical sessions such as Physical Count and PO Receipt.

Document Date

Defaults to current date, may be changed if needed.  

Posting Date

Defaults to the Document Date and may be changed if needed.

Item Company

This field is available when Intercompany is registered to default on each session line.  


This is used as the line default for each session line.


Enter or select a valid Organization ID for the transaction.  This field will be required when the 'Enable Organization GL Integration' general System Setting is enabled.


Type in or select a valid Inventory Adjustment Reason Code to describe the purpose of the inventory adjustment.  This is used as the line default for each session line.

Work Order ID

This read only field is available when the WorkPlace Work Order interface has been licensed.  Work Order values are selected and populated to Inventory Adjustment transactions through the Inventory Management Handheld interface.  This is used as the line default for each session line.

Line Fields

Delete Checkbox

To delete a line from the session, click on the Delete Checkbox and press the Save button on the Entry Toolbar.  Lines can only be deleted for sessions that have not been processed.


System generated sequential number assigned to each line.

Work Order ID

This read only field is available when the WorkPlace Work Order interface has been licensed.  Work Order values are selected and populated to Inventory Adjustment transactions through the Inventory Management Handheld interface.


Type in or select a valid Inventory Adjustment Reason Code for the line to describe the purpose of the inventory adjustment.  This field will default from the header and will be required if the System Setting "Require Reason Code" is checked.

Item Company

This field is available when Intercompany is registered to select the company that owns the inventory.  The Item Company will determine the Items that are valid and available for selection on the session line.


Type in or select a valid inventory item from the Zoom Window for the adjustment.  Only quantity-tracked items are valid for entry or selection.


Type in or select a valid location for the inventory adjustment.  This is a required field and will default from the session header if it was populated or the default location for the Item if one is assigned in Item Maintenance.

G/L Company

This field is available when Intercompany is registered to select the company that is requesting the inventory items and will receive the intercompany expense.  The G/L Company will determine the G/L Accounts that are valid and available for selection on the session line.

G/L Offset

Type in or select a valid General Ledger Account number from the Zoom window for the offset distribution journal entry for the line.  This field is required and will default from the Inventory Offset Account posting account for the item.  This account will be credited for increase (positive quantity) adjustments and debited for decrease (negative quantity) adjustments.

G/L Analysis

In order to select an Analysis Group, a general ledger account must first be selected.  Only Analysis Group ID's associated in Maintenance for that account will be available for selection.


Type in the quantity of the item to be adjusted within inventory.  The quantity adjusted is required and will be subject to the quantity decimal precision setup for the item in Item Maintenance.  Quantities adjusted into inventory are represented by a positive number and decrease adjustments are entered as a negative number.  The quantity for a decrease adjustment must be less than or equal to the quantity on hand for the selected Item.

If the Item on the session line is Serial or Lot tracked, the Serial/Lot Entry window will be available to enter or select the serial or lot numbers being adjusted.  The user will not be able to submit the session until the total quantities entered in the Serial/Lot Entry window match the quantity for each session line.


Type or Select from the Zoom Window the requested Unit of Measure; such as each, box, etc.  This is a required field and will default to the base unit of measure (UOM Base) setup in Item Maintenance for the requested Item.

Unit Cost

The cost at which the inventory will be adjusted within the Inventory and General Ledgers. The unit cost is a required field and will default to the current cost for the item and location selected on the line.  When decrease adjustments are processed, the unit cost will be updated based on the Item(s) valuation method defined in Item Maintenance to reflect the actual cost for the items removed from stock.

Amt Extended

This read-only field will display the total extended cost for the session line.

Line Actions

Serial/Lot Entry

This button becomes available on the session line or the bottom toolbar for any session line containing serial or lot tracked items.  If the item on the selected line is not serial or lot tracked, the user will not be permitted to open the Serial/Lot Entry window.

Inventory Info