LocationSite ID

Inventory > Maintenance > LocationSite ID

LocationSite ID's can be stores, warehouses or cost/work centers.  LocationSite ID's are also used in Inventory and can be linked to Items.

LocationSite ID Tab

Document Toolbar



Assign to All Locations



Entry Fields

Active Checkbox

Check the box to make the Site available for selection in the transaction and maintenance pages.


Select an inter-company that this location belongs to.  If no inter-company is selected then the location is available for all parent records.


Enter or select a valid Organization ID that represents the entity that owns the inventory for this Location.  This field will be required when the 'Enable Organization GL Integration' general System Setting is enabled.

LocationSite ID

Identifiable name or code for the LocationSite ID.


Corresponding description for the LocationSite ID.

Posting Code

Optionally enter or select a valid Posting Code.

Ship To

Enter a default Ship To Company Address for the Location.  This value will default to the Ship To field when the Location is selected within Requisition/Check Request and Purchase Order entry.

G/L Segment Default

This section is available when Advanced Account Lookup is licensed to allow selection of default G/L Segment values for the selected LocationSite ID.

G/L Segment Caption

Each active G/L Segment ID will be listed and available for selection.  The field label will be based on the Description entered on the G/L Segment maintenance page.

G/L Segment Default

Enter or select a valid value for the selected G/L Segment ID.

Accounts Tab

This tab displays the posting account overlays that will be applied to inventory within the location when Inventory Management is licensed or for purchasing transactions when the Receive / Match Invoice System Setting "Enable Accrual Accounting" has been enabled.

Entry Fields

Manual Checkbox

Check the box to manually enter the G/L Account Overlay for the distribution type.  When checked, the Overlay entered will be saved for that location / type and not overridden when updates are made to the Posting Code for the location.


Displays the description of the posting type for the overlay.

G/L Account Overlay

When a Posting Code is entered on the Location tab, this field will be read only and display the G/L Account Overlay setup for the distribution type.  If the Manual Checkbox is marked, the user will be able to manually enter an account or overlay to be applied or selected through the GL Account zoom.

The assignment of account overlays by location provides GL Account masking capabilities for all associated transactions.  The overlay field will accept a format such as 111-??-???? to indicate which characters of the GL Account will overlay the default account derived from the Posting Code Hierarchy for Inventory.  The Location GL Account overlay will only be applied  if the resulting account is valid.

Example 1: Location has Posting Code that has a mask of 100-??-???? in the inventory account and the selected inventory account is 000-98-100.  The resulting code after transaction save would be 100-98-100.

Example 2: Location has Posting Code that has a mask of 100-??-???? in the accrue account, during posting the selected accrue account is 000-01-500, the resulting posted account to the journal will be 100-01-500.

Replenishment Defaults Tab

The values specified here will be defaulted to the generated Requisition lines from the Inventory Replenishment module.

Entry Fields

Ship To

Ship to Address.

Bill To

Bill to Address.
