Receive/Match Invoice Entry

To Begin a Receive/Match Invoice session select Receive/Match Invoice from the Transactions section of the Dashboard or select an open Receive/Match Invoice session from Outstanding Transactions.  The available options and language used is dependent upon what you are licensed for and what the user has access to.  Receiving and Invoice Matching are licensed separately and users can be given access to up to 3 options which can all be utilized on this one form.  The three options are: 1) Receive (Shipment); 2) Receive/Match Invoice (Shipment/Invoice); 3) Match Invoice (Invoice).

Document Toolbar


This Button will only appear once the currently loaded session has been processed and allows the user to load a new session without having to return to the Dashboard Screen.

Select invoices

This option will be available when Invoice Match is licensed.  Users will click this button to open a window to display all invoices that have been saved to the Imported Attachments folder defined in either the user's User Preferences or System Settings as well as any added using Invoice Attachment Maintenance.  The invoices available will be grouped based on how they were added to the repository and  listed by file name including the file size for reference.  Users will select one or more items to attach to the Receive / Match Invoice transaction using the available checkboxes and clicking the Assign button.  Once invoices have been assigned to a transaction, they will be removed from the repository.  In the event that a Receive / Match Invoice transaction is deleted, any selected invoices will be returned to the Imported Attachments so they are available to be selected again. 

Load PO



Opens a window to select a single PO to load into the session.  The options available may be restricted for users that have been assigned a 'Receiving Load Tolerance Filter' in Security.






This Button will only appear when the 'Enable Advanced Approval' System Setting is disabled if the session has been processed but is awaiting approval and the user that is logged in is an approver for at least one of the lines.


This Button will only appear if the session has been processed but is awaiting for approval.  Clicking this will return the Receipt / Match Invoice back to entry.  


Header Fields

Created by

The login name of the user performing the manual receiving session.


The date of the load of the manual receiving session.

Created by Source

Displays if the transaction was a 'Manual' Receive / Match Invoice created on this page or was automatically created from an approved 'Check Request' transaction.

Transaction Type

Depending on what modules are licensed (Receiving and/or Invoice Matching) and what a user has access to the following option can be available: Shipment (Receive Only), Shipment/Invoice (Receiving and Invoice Match at the same time), and Invoice (Invoice Match only against previously received items).


Displays the subtotal when the 'Enable Additional Subtotal Display' System Setting has been enabled.  The subtotal is calculated as Quantity x Price for all lines excluding any additive tax and freight amounts.

Tax Total

Displays the total additive tax amount when the Transaction Type is not 'Shipment'.

Tax Included

Displays the total tax included amount when the Transaction Type is not 'Shipment'.


Total amount extended for all lines plus tax and freight.

Receipt/Match No.

This field is populated with the next available receiving session number, it may be modified by selecting another receiving number from the zoom window.


Select the Vendor ID from the zoom window that you wish to process the receipt/match invoice against. When changed the Date Due will automatically be re-calculated.

Posting Date

Represents the Actual date the transaction will be posted into the system, this field will default to the current date and can be modified by typing into this field.  This date will be passed to the Posting Date and Actual Ship Date fields on the Dynamics GP Receiving transaction.

Vendor Doc. No.

This is the vendor invoice number and is required when the transaction type is Shipment/Invoice or Invoice.

Manual Distribution

Select this checkbox to enter manual distribution for the vendor purchase order lines to be loaded.  Then select the Distributions button to enter the appropriate information.


Select a valid open batch from the zoom window.  If this field is left empty the system will generate a new one during processing or use an existing open WorkPlace generated batch. This depends on the setting: "Append New Receiving Session(s) to Last Open WorkPlace Generated Receiving Batch ID" on the Receiving tab in System Settings.


If multi-currency is enabled, Dynamics GP established currencies will be available from the drop-down list for selection.  Otherwise the default currency will appear and no drop-down list will appear.

Document Date

Represents the Receipt / Invoice Match document date, this field will default to the current date and can be modified by typing into this field.  When changed the Date Due will automatically be re-calculated.  This date will be passed to the Document Date and Receipt Date fields on the Dynamics GP Receiving transaction.


Select an Organization to associate with the Receipt/Match invoice.  If the System Settings "Default Organization as a Prefix to the Vendor Document Number" is enabled this value will be added as the prefix to the Vendor Doc. No. when the transaction is successfully processed.

1099 Box Number

This value will default from the Vendor but is available for users to enter or select a different valid 1099 box number.

Subject to Withholding

When you enter a transaction for a vendor that is subject to withholding, you will be asked if this document is subject to withholding. If the document is subject to withholding, this option will be marked, and the default rate for the vendor will appear.

This option is available only if you've entered a Withholding Vendor ID in the Company Setup Options window.

Note to Receiver

When a Receipt / Match Invoice is in the approval state this field is available for entry. Any value specified will be returned to the user who entered the Receipt / Match Invoice in the Disapproval email and is also added to the line details log.

Date Due

Defaulted based on the Payment Term associated with the selected Vendor and the Date Receipt. This field is use for Shipment/Invoice and Invoice Transactions only, the value will be passed over to the Dynamics GP Receivings Payment Term Entry or Purchasing Invoice Payment Term Entry based on the Transaction Type. This field is editable in Receive/Match Invoice Entry, whenever the Vendor or Date Receipt is changed the Due Date will automatically be recalculated.

Payment Terms

This field is only available for type "Shipment/Invoice" and "Invoice", the value is defaulted from the selected Vendor.


This field is available for Shipment/Invoice or Invoice type transactions to enter the freight amount at the header level.  Upon processing, this amount will populate the freight amount and distributions for the Dynamics GP Receivings Transaction Entry and Purchasing Invoice Entry transactions.

Withholding Tax Rate

Displays the withholding rate for the Invoice. The rate assigned to the vendor in Dynamics GP is the default rate.

This field is available only if you've entered a Withholding Vendor ID in the Company Setup Options window and the vendor is set up for withholding.


Free form unlimited comment.

Exchange Rate

This defaults based on the date in the "Date Receipt" field and "Currency" on the Header . The Exchange Rate zoom displays all values based on the Currency and Date Receipt. The zoom will display the Start Date, Expiration Date and Exchange Rate setup in Dynamics GP. Users can change the ”r;Exchange Rate” by selecting an Exchange Rate from the zoom. Users cannot manually key in an Exchange Rate unless the following Dynamics GP System Setting is enabled:  Tools> Setup> Financial> Multicurrency> Multicurrency Setup> "User Rates Without Adding to Table". If this Dynamics GP System Setting is enabled a user can manually key in an Exchange Rate. That Exchange Rate will NOT be added to the Dynamics GP Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance Table.

Expand / Collapse

Receive/Match Invoice Session #

The system assigned Session tracking number.

Receipt/Match Number

This field is populated with the next available receiving session number, it may be modified by selecting another receiving number from the zoom window.

Source Company

This field is only available when Intercompany is registered.  Enter or select the source company for the Receive / Match Invoice session.  This is typically the company where the Vendor is setup and will own the transaction.

Vendor ID

Select the Vendor ID from the zoom window that you wish to process the receipt/match invoice against.

Vendor Name

The Vendor Name or Description associated with the Vendor ID chosen.


Represents the Receipt date, this field will default to the current date and can be modified.

Document Date

Represents the Receipt / Invoice Match document date, this field will default to the current date and can be modified by typing into this field.  When changed, the Date Due will automatically be re-calculated based on the assigned Payment Terms.

Posting Date

Represents the Actual date the transaction will be posted into the system, this field will default to the current date and can be modified by typing into this field.


Currencies will be available from the zoom window for selection.  The default currency will appear.

Vendor Doc. No.

This is the vendor invoice number and is required when the transaction type is Shipment/Invoice or Invoice.


Read only field that will display the source of the transaction (Manual or Check Request), the date the transaction was created and the user name.

Transaction Type

Depending on what modules are licensed (Receiving and/or Invoice Matching) and what a user has access to the following option can be available: Receive (Receive Only), Receive/Invoice (Receiving and Invoice Match at the same time), and Invoice (Invoice Match only against previously received items).

Line Default Fields

Target Company

This field is only available when Intercompany is registered to default on each session line that is manually entered.  This is typically the company that received the items.


Department will be available from the zoom window for selection.

Tax Schedule

Tax Schedule will be available from the zoom window for selection.  Upon selecting or changing the Tax Schedule on the header, users will be provided an option to 'Change Tax Schedule and Recalculate Taxes for all lines' with the option to click OK or Cancel.  Clicking OK will update each line in the transaction with the selected Tax Schedule and recalculate the taxes.  Clicking cancel will update the header Tax Schedule with no changes to the line level tax calculations.

1099 Box Number

The display of the 1099 Box Number field at the header or line level will depend on the "1099 Box Number by Header" System Setting.  This value will default from the Vendor but is available for users to enter or select a different valid 1099 box number.

Remit To Address Tab

Remit To Address ID will be available from the zoom window for selection.

Detail Entry Fields

The number of lines displayed on this page will be based on the 'Default Paging Size' System Setting defined on the General tab.  This will provide paging controls that allows users to page through large set of line items.

Delete Checkbox

Select this box, then the Save Button to remove the entered line from this receiving session.

PO Number

Select a valid Purchase Order Number for this vendor from the zoom window.


This field is only visible when integrated with Microsoft Dynamics GP Project Series and represents the Project Code selected for the line item.


Select the item from the zoom window  to be received on the active line.

Item Description

This field will automatically populate from the item selected, this field may be overwritten by typing into the field.  It is recommended to leave the default description from the purchase order.


Unit of Measure for the selected line.


Unit Price of the ordered item.

Site ID

Select a valid Site ID for receipt of the active line item.

Cost Category

This field is only available and visible with integration to Microsoft Dynamics GP Project Series. Project Series validation is supported, so only cost categories available for the Project Code selected will be allowed for selection.

Vendor Item

Vendor's item number for the line.

Qty Ordered

The Quantity of the item ordered from the Purchase Order line item selected.

Qty Cancelled

The Quantity of the item that has been cancelled.

Qty Prev. Shipped

The system automatically updates this field from previous receiving sessions.

Qty Rejected

Enter the quantity of items being rejected due to damage or mis-shipment for the selected line.  By default all lines loaded to the session will have a value of 0 in this field.

Qty Shipped

By default all lines loaded to the session for type Shipment or Shipment/Invoice will have the value entered on the Purchase Order less any previously shipped items for this line.  To override the default, type in the actual quantity received for this line item.

Qty Invoiced

By default all lines loaded to the session for type Shipment/Invoice and Invoice will have the value currently received for this line.  To override the default, type in the actual quantity invoiced for this line item.

Amount Extended

The total dollar amount for the selected line. This is editable when the system setting "Edit Amt Extended" is enabled. With the option enabled and the Amount Extended is edited the Price field will be adjusted accordingly based on Amount Extended and Quantity.

Edit Amt Ext Checkbox

This checkbox will appear when ”Edit Amt Extended” is enabled.  When checked the amount extended will not be allowed to change and the unit priced will be calculated based on amount extended / quantity.

Qty Received

By default all lines loaded to the session for type Shipment or Shipment/Invoice will have the value entered on the Purchase Order less any previously shipped items for this line.  To override the default, type in the actual quantity received for this line item.

Qty Invoiced

By default all lines loaded to the session for type Receive/Invoice and Invoice will have the value currently received for this line.  To override the default, type in the actual quantity invoiced for this line item.


The read-only Subtotal for the line will be displayed when the 'Enable Additional Subtotal Display' System Setting has been enabled.  The subtotal is calculated as Quantity x Price and does not include any Freight, Miscellaneous , Discount or additive Tax amounts.  When the related 'Exclude Tax Included in Subtotal' System Setting is also enabled, the subtotal will not include any Tax Included amounts (i.e. when checked on the Tax Detail page) and will reflect the taxable cost amount for the item.

Amount Extended

The total dollar amount for the selected line.


Select a valid Location for receipt of the active line item.

Vendor Item

Vendor's item number for the line.

Qty Ordered (read only)

The Quantity of the item ordered from the Purchase Order line item selected.

Qty Prev Rejected (read only)

The Quantity of the item that has been previously rejected.

Qty Prev Canceled (read only)

The Quantity of the item that has been previously canceled.

Qty Prev. Received (read only)

The system automatically updates this field from previous receiving sessions.

Qty Prev. Invoiced (read only)

The system automatically updates this field from previous match invoice sessions.

Qty Rejected

Enter the quantity of items being rejected due to damage or mis-shipment for the selected line.  By default all lines loaded to the receiving session will have a value of 0 in this field.  This field will only be available when the System Setting 'Enable Quantity Rejected' has been enabled on the Receive/Match Invoice tab.

Qty Cancelled

Enter a quantity of items being cancelled when the remaining order quantity is not expected to be received in the future.  This value will automatically update the Purchase Order line upon process.  By default all lines loaded to the receiving session will have a value of 0 in this field.   This field will only be available when the System Setting 'Enable Quantity Cancelled' has been enabled on the Receive/Match Invoice tab.


General Tab

Inventory or Purchases Account

Select the Inventory or Purchase G/L Account number from the zoom window.

Unrealized Purch Price Var. Account

Select the Unrealized Purchase Price Variance G/L Account number from the zoom window.

Bill of Lading or Progressive Number

Enter the Bill of Lading Number or Progressive Number in this field.


Free form unlimited comment.

Original PO Price

The is the price the item was set to on the Purchase Order when the PO line was manually loaded from the PO zoom, loaded from the "Load PO#" feature or loaded from the Load Wizard Receive/Match Invoice page.

Source Company

This field is only available when Intercompany is registered and will display the Source company for the Receive / Match Invoice line.  This is typically the company where the Vendor is setup and will own the liability.

Target Company

This field is only available when Intercompany is registered and will default from the company selected at the header.  Enter or select the target company for the line that will receive the charges.


Organization will be available from the zoom window for selection.  This field will be required when the 'Enable Organization GL Integration' general System Setting is enabled.


This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting.  Select a valid Project ID from the zoom window. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.


This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting.  Select a valid Phase ID from the zoom window. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.


This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting.  Select a valid Activity ID from the zoom window. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.


Department will be available from the zoom window for selection.

G/L Account Inv/Purch

Select the Inventory or Purchase G/L Account number from the zoom window.  When Inventory Management is licensed, this field will default based on the GL Posting Code setups for the selected Item.

G/L Analysis Inv./Purch.

Based on the G/L account selected for the Inventory or Purchases Account, and provided your GL Analysis Groups are set up select a GL Analysis to use for Invoices or Purchases.

1099 Box Number

The display of the 1099 Box Number field at the header or line level will depend on the "1099 Box Number by Header" System Setting.  This value will default from the Vendor but is available for users to enter or select a different valid 1099 box number.

Bill of Lading or Progressive Number

Enter the Bill of Lading Number or Progressive Number in this field.

Manufacturer's Item

Type in or select the Manufacturer's item.

Tax Schedule

Tax Schedule will be available from the zoom window for selection.

G/L Account U.P.P.V.

Select the Unrealized Purchase Price Variance G/L Account number from the zoom window.

G/L Analysis U.P.P.V

Select a GL Analysis to use for U.P.P.V. based on the G/L account selected for the Unrealized Purchase Price Variance Account, and provided your GL Analysis Groups are set up.


Enter a discount amount for the item on the active line. The total of the discount from all lines in the session will be displayed in the page footer. Upon save, the discount total will recalculate based on the lines in the session.


Enter a freight amount for the item on the active line. The total of the freight from all lines in the session will be displayed in the page footer. Upon save, the freight total will recalculate based on the lines in the session.


Enter a miscellaneous amount for the item on the active line. The total of the miscellaneous from all lines in the session will be displayed in the page footer. Upon save, the miscellaneous total will recalculate based on the lines in the session.


This read-only field will display the additional calculated tax based on the amount and Tax Schedule selected for the line. The details for this calculation are available to view and update for users with assigned Security to the Tax Detail page and will be the total tax amount where the 'Tax Included' option is not checked for an assigned Tax ID.

Tax Included

This read-only field will display the total tax amount included in the Price that was calculated based on the associated Tax ID's for the line.  The details for this calculation are available to view and update for users with assigned Security to the Tax Detail page and will be the total tax amount where the 'Tax Included' option is checked for an assigned Tax ID.

Comments Tab

Free form unlimited comment.

G/L Segment Fields

These fields are available when Advanced Account Lookups is licensed.  Each active GL Segment that the user has access to will be available for entry or selection of up to 15 Segment ID values.  The field labels will be displayed based on the GL Segment setup.  When a valid Segment ID is selected, the associated description will be displayed below each field.  Valid entries for each field are determined based on the GL Segment Relationships setup and maintained within GL Segment maintenance.

Document Footer Fields

Payment Term

Payment Terms will be available from the zoom window for selection.

Card Name

This field is only available when "Card Name Selection" is licensed and wheen using the WorkPlace Enterprise Dynamics GP integration. Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Card Name from GP. When a card name is specified it will be passed over to the GP Accounts Payable transaction. The entire amount of the line will also be allocated to the Credit Card.

Due Date

Enter the Due Date.

Discount Date

Enter the date the order must be received in order to receive the discount.


Free form unlimited comment for the Receive/Match Invoice transaction.


The total document amount calculated based on the Amount Extended for the loaded lines.  When the 'Exclude Tax Included in Subtotal' System Setting is enabled, the subtotal will not include any Tax Included amounts (i.e. when checked on the Tax Detail page) to reflect the taxable cost amount for the transaction.


This is a read only field to display the total Discount amounts entered or Prorated across all transaction lines.

Taxable Checkbox

This is checked by default to indicate that all Discount amounts at the line level will be included in the associated tax calculation based on each line's Tax Schedule.  When unchecked, each Discount amount will be excluded from the taxable amount for the lines for tax calculation.


This is a read only field to display the total Freight amounts entered or Prorated across all transaction lines.

Taxable Checkbox

This is checked by default to indicate that all Freight amounts at the line level will be included in the associated tax calculation based on each line's Tax Schedule.  When unchecked, each Freight amount will be excluded from the taxable amount for the lines for tax calculation.


This is a read only field to display the total Misc amounts entered or Prorated across all transaction lines.

Taxable Checkbox

This is checked by default to indicate that all Misc amounts at the line level will be included in the associated tax calculation based on each line's Tax Schedule.  When unchecked, each Misc amount will be excluded from the taxable amount for the lines for tax calculation.


The total additional tax amount calculated based on the Tax Details for the loaded lines.

Tax Included

The total tax amount included in the price calculated based on the Tax Details for the loaded lines.


The total document amount calculated based on the Amount Extended for the loaded lines.


Line Actions



G/L Budget

g/l distribution

Inventory Info

Prorate Costs

Click this button to open the Prorate Costs window.  This allows users to enter total discount, freight and/or miscellaneous amounts and allocate them across all lines on the Receive/Match Invoice.  These amounts can be allocated to each Receive/Match Invoice line by relative amount, quantity or equally for each line as defined below.


Amount: Amount multiplied by (Line Amt Extended / Total Amt Extended for all Lines)


Quantity: Amount multiplied by (Line Quantity / Total Quantities for all Lines)


Line: Amount divided by the number of lines on the Receive/Match Invoice.  


For each allocation method, remaining amounts due to rounding are added the first line on the Receive/Match Invoice.

analytical accounting



This button becomes available for any session line containing serial or lot tracked items.  If the item on the selected line is not serial or lot tracked, the user will not be permitted to open the Serial/Lot Entry window.

 Tax Detail

Select this button to view and modify the tax details for the line when permissions have been assigned in Security.