Tax Schedule

Administration > Maintenance > Tax Schedule

Tax Schedules are set up and used for purchasing items.


General Tab

Document Toolbar






Entry Fields

Active Checkbox

Check the box to make the Tax Schedule active. Active Tax Schedules will be available for selection on transaction pages.


This field is only available when Intercompany is registered.  Optionally enter or select the company that the Tax Schedule will be applicable for.

Tax Schedule

Type in up to 120 alphanumeric characters to indicate the Tax Schedule ID.


Type in up to 120 alphanumeric characters to further describe the Tax Schedule ID.


Detail Tab

Document Toolbar

duplicate line


Entry Fields

Delete Checkbox

Check the box to select, then press save on the entry toolbar to remove the desired line.

Active Checkbox

Check the box to make the Tax ID active within the Tax Schedule.

Tax ID

Type in or select a valid Tax ID from the zoom window. Tax ID's are created in Tax in Maintenance under the Central heading.


This field is read only and is populated when the Tax ID is selected from the zoom window.