Requisition / Check Request > Maintenance > Invoice Attachment
Receive / Match Invoice > Transactions > Invoice Attachment
The Invoice Attachment maintenance page provides a streamlined method for uploading scanned Invoice images and make them available for users from the Check Request and Receive / Match Invoice entry pages using the 'Select Invoices' button. This page can be used to set up invoice 'repositories' that can be made available system wide or by Department. Attachments can be added to each repository simply by dragging and dropping one or more files onto the page.
In addition to adding multiple attachments at once, this 'drop zone' provides a quick and secure interface for adding attachments to the Select Invoices automation queue without relying on access to remote file systems when Workplace is installed or hosted in another location.
Users must be provided access to the 'Invoice Attachment' maintenance Security option to use this feature. Drag and Drop functionality is not supported with browsers earlier than Internet Explorer version 10.
Enter a description for the Invoice Attachment repository.
Select the Type for this group of Invoice Attachments based on who will have access to process them within Check Request entry. Selecting 'System' will make the attachments available to all users with access to enter Check Requests. Selecting 'Department' provides the ability to direct the Invoices to a specified Department, ensuring only those users will be able to process them.
Select a valid Department which will be responsible for processing the Invoices when 'Department' was selected in the Type field.
As indicated by the 'Drop Files Here' watermark, this section of the page will allow one or more files to be dropped onto the page and uploaded to the WorkPlace attachment engine. Once received, the files will be processed and available for processing within Check Request entry by clicking the 'Select Invoices' option. If errors are encountered, they will be displayed in a pop up with a list of 'Rejected Files' that could not be uploaded. Files that have been successfully uploaded and saved to the selected repository will be displayed in this section until they have been processed to a Check Request or Receive / Match Invoice transaction.
If files are added prior to creating or selecting and existing repository, one will be automatically created with a default <SYSTEM> description to allow the attachments to be added to the system but it is recommended that users select the desired repository prior to adding attachments.
Click the delete button to remove the attachment from the repository.
Displays the original file name for the attachment.
Displays the file size of the attachment.