Creating a new Check Request is the first step in the Check Request Workflow. You can also edit existing Check Requests by selecting any Check Request listed under the Outstanding Transactions heading on the Dashboard. Open Check Request(s) are those that have already been created but have not yet been submitted for approval. The Check Request Entry screen is made available to users with assigned security when the 'Only Allow Check Requests within Requisition Entry' System Setting is unchecked.
Select invoices
Users will click this button to open a window to display all invoices that have been saved to the Imported Attachments folder defined in either the user's User Preferences or System Settings as well as any added using Invoice Attachment Maintenance. The invoices available will be grouped based on how they were added to the repository and listed by file name including the file size for reference. Users will select one or more items to attach to the Check Request using the available checkboxes and clicking the Assign button. Once invoices have been assigned to a Check Request, they will be removed from the repository. In the event that a Check Request is deleted, any selected invoices will be returned to the Imported Attachments so they are available to be selected again.
Available when users have been provided access to the 'Mass Line Change' Security option.
A system generated sequential tracking number assigned to a Check Request.
The caption of this field is controlled by the value specified in "Name Label" in system settings on the Requisition/Check Request tab.
This field is only available when Intercompany is registered to select the company that owns the payable for the Check Request. Enter or select the source company for the invoice. This is typically the company where the Vendor is setup and will own the resulting transaction.
If your environment is setup with the WorkPlace Multi-currency interface the field is displayed as a drop down list and another currency code can be selected for the line item. Field display and currency selection can also be affected by user setup.
This field is available to select a WorkPlace user that the Check Request is being entered on behalf of and will default to the user logged into WorkPlace. Only users setup as Alternates in Security will be available for the user to select from. Once the Check Request has been saved, this value cannot be changed. Upon submission, the approval workflow will be determined based on the Requester assigned to the Check Request.
Displays the subtotal when the 'Enable Additional Subtotal Display' System Setting has been enabled. The Check Request subtotal amount will calculate automatically once the lines are entered and saved with Qty and Price values to reflect the total cost before additive Tax amounts.
The total tax amount for the Check Request will calculate automatically once lines are entered and saved based on the Tax details.
The total tax amount where the associated Tax ID's are configured to calculate based on 'Tax Included with Item Price' for the Check Request.
This is a read only field that will display the system generated date identifying when the Check Request was created and the WorkPlace user that created it.
The total amount for the Check Request will calculate automatically once lines are entered and saved. This is the total amount of the invoice including any Discount, Freight, Miscellaneous and Tax amounts.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Vendor code.
This field is only available when Intercompany is registered to enter or select a value that will default on each Check Request line. The values available for selection will depend on the selected Source Company. When the 'Target Company by Header Only' System Setting is not enabled and the Target Company is changed for an existing Check Request, the user will be prompted to 'Change all Target Companies to this Company?'. Selecting Yes will update all lines on the Check Request to the new Target Company value. When the 'Target Company by Header Only' System Setting is enabled, lines are immediately updated to restrict related zooms based on the new Target Company.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Vendor Address ID.
Select a valid open batch from the zoom window. If this field is left empty the system will generate a new one during processing or use an existing open WorkPlace generated batch. This depends on the setting: "Append New Receiving Session(s) to Last Open WorkPlace Generated Receiving Batch ID" on the Receiving tab in System Settings.
Defaults to current date, may be changed if needed to reflect the date of the invoice for the Check Request. The document date will be used to calculate the due date based on the Payment Term selected.
The location of the Department field; header or line will depend on the "Department by Header" System Setting. This field will be populated with the Home or default department for the user based on User Security and/or the User Defined Field Template which also determines whether the field is read-only or the user can select from the department list.
Defaults to the Document Date and may be changed if needed. This is the date that will be used for posting the General Ledger and cannot be blank. If this field is cleared out, it will default to the current date upon save.
Enter the vendor invoice number.
When a value is specified and the user submits the Check Request it will be forwarded to the user identified as the delegate. The delegate receives an email and then has the option to Submit (i.e. Approve) the Check Request or to Cancel the delegated Check Request. If the user Submits the Check Request then WorkPlace will put it through the normal approval process. If canceled, the Check Request will be sent back to the delegator along with a notification email of the cancel event.
This field can be filled in by the delegator so that the delegatee will know why it was delegated to them. This will also be transmitted in the email to the delegatee. On the reverse side if the delegatee cancels the delegated Check Request then the delegatee can fill in the reason why and this will sent back to the delegator in the email message.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Tax Schedule that will default to new lines on the Check Request. When a Vendor is selected from the Vendor zoom (or upon Save if a Vendor exist but no Vendor Address ID exist on the Check Request Line) the Vendor Tax Schedule will be defaulted from the Address ID specified in Dynamics GP > Vendor Maintenance > Address IDs > Purchase field. When an Address ID is selected from the Vendor Address ID zoom (or upon Save if a Vendor Address ID exist but no Vendor Address Tax Schedule exist on the Check Request Line) the Vendor Tax Schedule will be defaulted from the Vendor Address ID. The Tax Schedule line default will not update lines already saved to the Check Request unless the Vendor is also changed. Deleting the Tax Schedule line default value will not update any Check Request line.
Type in or select a default G/L Account that will be applied to each line of the Check Request as lines are added to the transactions. This value will default from the Purchases account assigned to the selected Vendor on the Vendor Account tab.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Select or enter a valid Project ID value to default to new lines on the Check Request. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Select or enter a valid Phase ID value to default to new lines on the Check Request. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Select or enter a valid Activity ID value to default to new lines on the Check Request. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
To delete the highlighted Check Request line, click in the Delete Checkbox and press the Save button on the Entry Toolbar.
System generated sequential number assigned to each line.
Line item attachment.
Select a valid LocationSite ID for receipt of the active line item.
Type in or select a valid inventory item from the Zoom Window. When the security option for the Item Maintenance is enabled for the user the item label will turn into a hyperlink allowing the user to add/modify the inventory item from this page.
If an Item was selected, the associated description will automatically populate this field. If no item has been selected then the user will type in an appropriate description for the line item. This is a required field.
Type in the quantity of the item needed.
Type or Select from the Zoom Window the requested Unit of Measure; such as each, box, etc.
Type in the unit Price of the requested item. If an Item has been selected in the Item field, then the price will default. If the vendor is specified then it will come from the last invoice priceoriginating cost for that vendor/item combo, if no vendor/item relationship then it will use the current cost of the Inventory Item. If you have override inventory item's price then it will pull the price from the Standard Cost or Current Cost depending on the valuation method., additional WorkPlace system settings can determine which price is defaulted with the item.
The read-only Subtotal for the line will be displayed when the 'Enable Additional Subtotal Display' System Setting has been enabled. The subtotal is calculated as Quantity x Price and does not include any Freight, Miscellaneous , Discount or additive Tax amounts. When the related 'Exclude Tax Included in Subtotal' System Setting is also enabled, the subtotal will not include any Tax Included amounts (i.e. when checked on the Tax Detail page) and will reflect the taxable cost amount for the item.
Total for the line item.
Where the bill for the invoice has been sent to. The default bill to address is the same as your company address.
This field is only available when Intercompany is registered and will default from the company selected at the header. Enter or select the target company for the Check Request line. This will be the company that will receive the charges for the Check Request line.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Vendor Item.
Upon saving this value will be validated against the Item to make sure the relationship exists, if it does not the user will have to correct it in order to save. When an Item or Vendor Item is selected, the primary Manufacturer's Item will be set by default. If this field is left blank then the Primary item will be defaulted into this field upon save.
Select an Expense Type from the zoom window.
The location of the Department field; header or line will depend on the "Department by Header" System Setting. This field will be populated with the Home or default department for the user based on User Security and/or the User Defined Field Template which also determines whether the field is read-only or the user can select from the department list.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Tax Schedule. This field will default based on the value selected in the header section.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid General Ledger Account number. When Inventory Management is licensed, this field will default based on the GL Posting Code setups for the selected Item.
In order to select an Analysis Group, a G/L Account Number must first be selected. Only Analysis Group ID's associated to the selected G/L Account in Dynamics GP will be available for selection.
Enter or select a valid G/L Analysis ID. The values available for selection will be based on the selected G/L Account for the line and it's associated G/L Analysis Group rule assignment.
The display of the 1099 Box Number field at the header or line level will depend on the "1099 Box Number by Header" System Setting. This value will default from the Vendor but is available for users to enter or select a different valid 1099 box number.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Budget module, this field appears and toggles with the active Check Request line. Type in or select the appropriate Budget for this line item.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Budget module, this field appears and toggles with the active Check Request line. The budget apply date will default to the Check Request date, if desired, the user can change the budget period application date for this Check Request line. The date entered or selected must fall within an appropriate date range established on the WorkPlace Budget.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Vendor Contract module, this field appears and toggles with the active Check Request line. Type in or select an appropriate Vendor Contract from the Zoom Window.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Vendor Contract module, this field appears on the General tab when the System Setting "Enable Vendor Contract Override" is enabled and toggles with the active Check Request line. Type in or select an appropriate reason from the Zoom Window.
Select a Priority Code from the drop-down menu. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
This field is only visible when integrated with Microsoft Dynamics GP Project Series and represents the Project Code selected for the line item.
This field is only available and visible with integration to Microsoft Dynamics GP Project Series. Project Series validation is supported, so only cost categories available for the Project Code selected will be allowed for selection.
This field is only available and visible with integration to Microsoft Dynamics GP Project Series. Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Contract.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Select or enter a valid Project ID value to default to new lines on the Check Request. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Select or enter a valid Phase ID value to default to new lines on the Check Request. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Select or enter a valid Activity ID value to default to new lines on the Check Request. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
Optionally enter a discount amount for the Check Request line. The amount extended will be reduced by the amount entered upon save.
Optionally enter a freight amount for the Check Request line. The amount extended will be increased by the amount entered upon save.
Optionally enter a miscellaneous charge amount for the Check Request line. The amount extended will be increased by the amount entered upon save.
This read-only field will display the total calculated tax amount for the Check Request line. The details for this calculation are available to view and update for users with assigned Security to the Tax Detail page and will be the total tax amount where the 'Tax Included' option is not checked for an assigned Tax ID.
This read-only field will display the total tax amount included in the Price that was calculated based on the associated Tax ID's for the line. The details for this calculation are available to view and update for users with assigned Security to the Tax Detail page and will be the total tax amount where the 'Tax Included' option is checked for an assigned Tax ID.
Optionally enter a Vendor related comment for the selected Check Request line.
If desired, type in or copy the web site address referencing additional information related to the Check Request line.
Optionally enter any internal comments for the selected Check Request line. Internal comments are typically used to communicate additional details to Approvers and Reviewers related to the line item.
This tab is available when Advanced Account Lookups is licensed to provide an alternative method of entry for the G/L Account by selecting segment values individually. Each active GL segment that the user has access to will be available for entry or selection. The field labels will be displayed based on the GL Segment setup and when a valid Segment ID is selected, the associated description will be displayed below each field. Valid entries for each field are determined based on the Dynamics GP chart of accounts. Once all segments are populated, the G/L Account field will be updated. If the user selects a G/L account, the G/L Segment fields will be updated automatically.
This tab is available when Advanced Account Lookups is licensed. Each active GL Segment that the user has access to will be available for entry or selection of up to 15 Segment ID values. The field labels will be displayed based on the GL Segment setup. When a valid Segment ID is selected, the associated description will be displayed below each field. Valid entries for each field are determined based on the GL Segment Relationships setup and maintained within GL Segment maintenance.
Enter or select a valid Payment Term ID for Check Request. This field is defaulted from the Vendor and can be overridden.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Organization Code.
The display of the 1099 Box Number field at the header or line level will depend on the "1099 Box Number by Header" System Setting. This value will default from the Vendor but is available for users to enter or select a different valid 1099 box number.
This field is only available when "Card Name Selection" is licensed and wheen using the WorkPlace Enterprise Dynamics GP integration. Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Card Name from GP. When a card name is specified it will be passed over to the GP Accounts Payable transaction. The entire amount of the line will also be allocated to the Credit Card.
Optionally enter a comment for the Check Request.
The Check Request subtotal amount will calculate automatically once the lines are entered and saved with Qty and Price values to reflect the total cost before Discount, Freight, Miscellaneous and additive Tax amounts. When the 'Exclude Tax Included in Subtotal' System Setting is enabled, the subtotal will not include any Tax Included amounts (i.e. when checked on the Tax Detail page) to reflect the taxable cost amount for the transaction.
The total discount amount for the Check Request will calculate automatically once lines are entered and saved with amounts entered in the Discount field.
This is checked by default to indicate that all Discount amounts at the line level will be included in the associated tax calculation based on each line's Tax Schedule. When unchecked, each Discount amount will be excluded from the taxable amount for the lines for tax calculation.
The total freight amount for the Check Request will calculate automatically once lines are entered and saved with amounts entered in the Freight field.
This is checked by default to indicate that all Freight amounts at the line level will be included in the associated tax calculation based on each line's Tax Schedule. When unchecked, each Freight amount will be excluded from the taxable amount for the lines for tax calculation.
The total miscellaneous charges amount for the Check Request will calculate automatically once lines are entered and saved with amounts entered in the Misc field.
This is checked by default to indicate that all Misc amounts at the line level will be included in the associated tax calculation based on each line's Tax Schedule. When unchecked, each Misc amount will be excluded from the taxable amount for the lines for tax calculation.
The total additional tax amount for the Check Request will calculate automatically once lines are entered and saved with additional Tax amounts based on the Tax Details for all lines.
The total tax included amount for the Check Request will calculate automatically once lines are entered and saved with Tax Included amounts based on the Tax Details for all lines.
The inline attachment viewer will be displayed on the right hand side of the page when enabled through System Settings. The Attachments pane will display header and line level files for the selected line. If multiple files are available to view, they can be selected using the drop down field which will display the description and file name for the attachment. Only supported file formats (i.e. PDF, BMP, GIF, EXIF, JPG, PNG and TIFF) are able to be displayed in the Attachments viewer.
Select this button to view and modify the tax details for the line when permissions have been assigned in Security