Requisition/Check Request Workflow

The WorkPlace Requisition and Check Request solutions provide a number of licensing and configuration options designed to tailor the WorkPlace user experience to each organization's specific business requirements.  These options will determine how Requisition and Check Request transactions and captions will be displayed to users throughout the application and common workflow.

Transaction Entry

Requisition/Check Request Environments: When both Requisition and Check Request have been licensed for WorkPlace the "Requisition/Check Request" caption is used throughout the application.  WorkPlace can be further configured to consolidate Requisition/Check Request entry and lookups using the "Only Allow Check Requests within Requisition Entry" System Setting.  When this setting is unchecked, Check Requests will be selected (using the Find Check Request zoom) and entered separately through a dedicated entry page tailored for ease of invoice entry.  Dedicated To Do load options will also be available for Approval and Review sessions for both Requisition and Check Request on the WorkPlace Dashboard.

Requisition Only Environments: When Requisition has been licensed without Check Request , the "Requisition" caption is used throughout WorkPlace and only the Requisition entry page is available for transaction entry.  Note that documentation and online help references may still refer to Requisitions as "Requisition/Check Request".

Stand Alone Check Request Environments:  When Check Request has been licensed without Requisition, the "Check Request" caption is used throughout WorkPlace and only the Check Request entry page is available for transaction entry.  Note that documentation and online help references may still refer to Check Request transactions as "Requisition/Check Request".

Create or Edit Requisition

The WorkPlace Requisition processing flow begins with the employee or ’Requester’ who enters requisition line items and submits the requisition.  Once submitted, this triggers the eMail notification (dependent on system settings) which is sent to the Approver.

Create or Edit Check Request

The WorkPlace Check Request processing flow begins with the employee or ’Requester’ who enters invoice line items and submits the Check Request.  Once submitted, this triggers the eMail notification (dependent on system settings) which is sent to the Approver.


The Approver then logs into the application and loads submitted Requisition/Check Request line items into an approval session and approves or disapproves at the header or line levels based on the approval requirements.  Once processed, this triggers the eMail notification (dependent on system settings) which is sent to the transaction originator notifying them of the approval status.  If items are disapproved, they are returned to the requester for correction or deletion. Approved lines will flow to next applicable Approver or to the review stage.


Once Requisition/Check Request lines have been fully approved, they will be available to review.  Upon final approval, Check Requests will not require the Review stage if the "Auto Process Check Request when Approved" System Setting is enabled.  Requisition lines for Vendors with "Automatically Process and Send PO when fully Approved (Vendor must be configured to receive PO via eMail or PunchOut)" enabled will also be automatically processed and not require a Review session.

Fully approved Requisition lines can be claimed by a user in either module, but NOT BOTH.  For example, once an approved requisition has been brought into the RFQ module, it becomes unavailable to users in the Review module.  The reverse is also true.

Review Session

The Reviewer loads approved Requisition/Check Request lines into a review session where line items are checked for accuracy and the decision is made to order the item(s), leave the item(s) on hold or disapprove the line(s).  The session is then processed and an email alert is sent to the requester (dependent on system settings) notifying them of the status of their request.  Line items flagged for order will generate the associated transaction based on the Requisition Type (i.e. Requisitions will generate Purchase Orders, Check Requests will Receipt/Match Invoices, etc.).  Items left on hold remain available for review and load into subsequent sessions until flagged for order and processed.  they are returned to the requester for correction or deletion.

RFQ Session

When the RFQ solution is licensed, the RFQ session will be available to load fully approved Requisition lines and send out for quote to vendors who will receive the Request for Quote.  Fully approved Requisition lines can be claimed by a user in either module, but NOT BOTH.  For example, once an approved requisition has been brought into the RFQ module, it becomes unavailable for users to load into a Review session.  The reverse is also true.  WorkPlace can automatically eMail RFQ requests to multiple vendors. Vendors can then submit and modify their quotes real-time via a secured web interface up until the each specific item has been awarded.  

Buyers are notified through the WorkPlace application as soon as replies have been received allowing them to quickly view and compare Vendor responses and award Purchase Orders based on promised date, price and availability. From the WorkPlace Dashboard, Buyers can easily view Open Requests, Vendor Responses and find previous RFQ Sessions.