Creating a new requisition is the first step in the Requisition Workflow. You can also edit existing requisitions by selecting any Requisition line under the Outstanding Transactions heading on the Dashboard. Open Requisitions(s) are those that have already been created but have not yet been submitted for approval.
The shop button is only visible when at least one PunchOut vendor is configured. Clicking this button allows the requester the ability to shop on a vendors web site and then return the shopped items directly to the requisition upon checking out from the vendors web site.
The shopping list button can be used to create a shopping list on the fly or load a previously created shopping list.
The header comment field is only editable during entry and is read only during approval and review. The requisition header comment is also passed over to the PO as a header comment. When multiple requisitions containing header comments flows over to a single PO the requisition comments will be appended.
reserve po
PO numbers can be reserved for Requisition lines by clicking this icon. The assigned numbers will be saved to the PO Number field on the general tab and assigned when Purchase Order(s) are generated from the Review session.
Available when users have been provided access to the 'Mass Line Change' Security option.
A system generated sequential tracking number assigned to a requisition.
This field is only available when Intercompany is registered to default on each requisition line. Enter or select the source company for the requisition. This is typically the company where the Vendor is setup and will own the resulting transaction.
This field is only available when Intercompany is registered to default on each requisition line. Enter or select the target company for the requisition. This is typically the company that will receive the items on the requisition.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Organization Code. The location of the Organization field; header or line will depend on the 'Organization by Header' System Setting. This field will be required when the 'Enable Organization GL Integration' general System Setting is enabled.
This field is available to select a WorkPlace user that the Requisition is being entered on behalf of and will default to the user logged into WorkPlace. Only users setup as Alternates in Security will be available for the user to select from. Once the Requisition has been saved, this value cannot be changed. Upon submission, the approval workflow will be determined based on the Requester assigned to the Requisition.
Name of the user who is logged in and creating the requisition.
System generated date identifying when the requisition was created.
Defaults to current date, may be changed if needed.
This field is enabled when the System Settings on the Requisition -> Purchase Order tab "Use Requisition Date and Exchange Rate when Creating a Purchase Order" is enabled. See that option for more information on this field.
This field is enabled when the System Settings on the Requisition -> Purchase Order tab "Use Requisition Date and Exchange Rate when Creating a Purchase Order" is enabled. This will default based on the date in the "Date" field and "Currency" on the Requisition Header . Exchange Rate is a zoom field - all values displayed in the zoom will be based on the selected Currency and Date. The zoom will display the Start Date, Expiration Date and Exchange Rate setup from Dynamics GP. Users can change the ”r;Exchange Rate” by selecting an Exchange Rate from the zoom when all Requisition Lines are in a status of un-submitted. To edit the " Exchange Rate " field in Approval or Review all Requisition lines for the specific Requisition must be in that Approval or Review Session otherwise the ”r;Exchange Rate” field will be un-editable. Create User Defined Field Template options on the Requisition Tab for the "Exchange Rate" field: Hidden, Read Only. You cannot manually key in an Exchange Rate unless the following Dynamics GP System Setting is enabled: Tools> Setup> Financial> Multicurrency> Multicurrency Setup> "User Rates Without Adding to Table" If this Dynamics GP System Setting is enabled a user can manually key in an Exchange Rate. That Exchange Rate will NOT be added to the Dynamics GP Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance Table.
Home or default department for the user
Select this box during requisition entry to keep the requisition together through approval routing, when detail or line rules have been established. If one line is disapproved during approval the entire requisition will be returned to the originator. The All or Nothing checkbox will automatically be checked for 'Check Request' type transactions when the 'Only Allow Check Requests within Requisition Entry' and 'Auto Process Check Request when Approved' System Settings are both enabled to ensure that invoices containing multiple lines will be processed together when subjected to different approval paths.
The Requisition Types available for selection will be based on WorkPlace configuration, Solutions and Modules licensed and may include "Requisition", "Check Request", "Inventory Replenishment", "Blanket PO", "Drop Ship", "Drop Ship w/Receipt", "GL Journal" and "Vendor Contract".
When the Type is set to "Vendor Contract" and this requisition is processed from review with no Contacts selected at the line level, the requisition will generate a new vendor contract based on the requisitions information. Additions to existing Vendor Contracts can be initiated by choosing the 'Vendor Contract' Requisition Type and selecting the existing Vendor Contract(s) to be updated at the line level. When the Requisitions are processed from Review, the Vendor Contract will be updated based on the details from each Requisition line. Requested Items that are not already on the Contract will be added while existing Items with the same price will be updated based on the additional approved quantities. If the requested Item is already on the Contract with a different price, the user will be notified that the 'Item already exists on the Vendor Contract with a different Price' when they attempt to save. Requisitions marked as vendor contract are not included in any budgets. The following Requisition line fields will update the Vendor Contract details;
Item Description (if Item is not selected)
Vendor Item
Manufacturer’s Item
Price (updates Unit Price and Contracted Amount to Quantity x Price)
Quantity (updates Contracted Qty and Contracted Amount to Quantity x Price)
The "Check Request" Type will only be available when licensed and the "Only Allow Check Requests within Requisition Entry" System Setting is checked. When the type is set to Check Request the vendor doc. no. is required, when the requisition is processed from review it will create a WorkPlace Shipment/Invoice and will subsequently post the WorkPlace Shipment/Invoice to a GP Shipment/Invoice. If any WorkPlace Invoice Matching routing rules are configured that this generated WorkPlace Shipment/Invoice falls into they will be honored and will require approval before the WorkPlace Shipment/Invoice is processed to a GP Shipment/Invoice. Receive/Invoice. If any WorkPlace Receive/Match Invoice routing rules are configured that this generated WorkPlace Receive/Invoice falls into they will be honored and will require approval before the WorkPlace Receive/Invoice is fully approved.
Blanket PO requests are available to request the creation of a WorkPlace Blanket Purchase Order. Requisitions with a type of Blanket PO allow users to enter additional information by clicking the following link;
View Expanded Details for Requisition Type
Invoice Limit Amount: This is an optional field to allow a user to key in the amount allowed to be invoiced against for the Requisition/PO. The Invoice Limit amount is entered in the originating currency for the Requisition / Purchase Order. This value will automatically default to the total requisition amount if the "Default Invoice Limit Amount" system setting is enabled.
Invoice Limit Variance Percentage: This is a percent field where a user will optionally enter the variance allowed to invoice over, example if the PO is allow to be invoice up to 5% over, the user would key in the number 5.
The "GL Journal" Type will be available when licensed and the user has been provided access within Security to request General Ledger Journal Entries. Requisitions of this type will always be submitted and processed together with the 'All or Nothing' flag automatically checked upon save. The lines of the G/L Journal Requisition will represent the distribution lines being requested to post to the General Ledger and must equal zero to ensure a balanced entry. Lines entered with a positive number will represent a Debit amount and lines entered with a negative value will be Credit amounts. If the user attempts to process a Requisition that results in an unbalanced entry, they will be presented with the error message that Credits do not equal Debits (sum of all lines must equal 0). Upon process from Review, a WorkPlace General Ledger journal entry will be created for each Requisition with a type of G/L Journal using the Requisition date as the posting date. The resulting journal entries will then be available to process through to the ERP using the standard G/L Journal Batch Post function. New lines cannot be added to a submitted G/L Journal Requisition regardless of the "Allow New Line(s) to a Submitted Requisition / Check Request" System Setting.
When interfaced with Binary Stream this field will be displayed and corresponds to a Binary Stream Facility ID.
When interfaced with Binary Stream this field will be displayed and corresponds to a Binary Stream Document ID.
This field is only available when invoice matching is licensed. When a value is specified and the user submits the requisition it will be forwarded to the user identified as the delegate. The delegate receives an email and then has the option to Submit (i.e. Approve) the requisition or to Cancel the delegated requisition. If the user Submits the requisition then WorkPlace will put it through the normal approval process. If canceled, the requisition will be sent back to the delegator along with a notification email of the cancel event.
This field can be filled in by the delegator so that the delegate will know why it was delegated to them. This will also be transmitted in the email to the delegate. On the reverse side if the delegate cancels the delegated requisition then the delegate can fill in the reason why and this will sent back to the delegator in the email message.
The total Requisition amount in functional currency will calculate automatically once the lines are entered and saved with Qty and Price values.
This field will only be displayed for Requisitions with multi-currency lines and will display the total by originating currency once the lines are entered and saved with Qty, Price and Currency values. Requisitions with multiple currencies will display each currency total comma delimited with the associated currency symbol.
The caption of this field is controlled by the value specified in "Name Label" in system settings on the Requisition/Check Request tab.
Select or type in a valid Customer name.
Select or type in a valid Customer Address. Address is a hyperlink that you can click on and enter any address information that is needed.
This field is available when PO Change Order is licensed and at least one line on the requisition has been processed to a Purchase Order to allow users to document a reason when updating the quantity canceled field. This field will be required when the System Setting "Require QTY Canceled Reason" is checked. Upon save, the reason will be stored and displayed within the log on the Requisition Line Detail window for lines processed with an updated quantity cancelled.
To delete the highlighted requisition line, click in the Delete Checkbox and press the Save button on the Entry Toolbar.
This selector will be displayed to users that have been provided access to the 'Mass Line Change' Security option to mark lines that will be updated when clicking 'Update Selected & Close' from the Mass Line Change page.
Line item attachment.
System generated sequential number assigned to each line.
This field is only visible when integrated with Microsoft Dynamics GP Project Series and represents the Project Code selected for the line item.
This field is only available and visible with integration to Microsoft Dynamics GP Project Series. Project Series validation is supported, so only cost categories available for the Project Code selected will be allowed for selection.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Select a valid Project ID from the zoom window. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Select a valid Phase ID from the zoom window. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
This field is only available when integrated with WorkPlace Project Accounting. Select a valid Activity ID from the zoom window. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
This field is only available when Intercompany is registered. Enter or select the source company for the requisition line. This is typically the company where the Vendor is setup and will own the resulting transaction line.
This field is only available when Intercompany is registered. Enter or select the target company for the requisition line. This is typically the company that will receive the items on the requisition line.
Select the fulfillment type for the requisition line from the available options in the drop down list.
Defer: The WorkPlace Reviewer will select the fulfilment type within the Requisition Review Session.
Auto: WorkPlace will automatically determine the fulfillment type upon save. If the requisition line item is quantity tracked, Location is specified but Location To is not the line will be set to Release. If the requisition line item is quantity tracked and Location From and To are specified the line will be set to Transfer. If the requisition line item is not specified or is not quantity tracked then the line will be set to PO.
PO: The requisition line item will be fulfilled by purchasing and processed through to a Purchase Order.
Release: The requisition line item will be fulfilled from Inventory and expensed to the specified GL Account. When selected, quantities are allocated within the Inventory Management solution upon save. When processed from review a Release Request is automatically created when the Inventory Management solution is licensed.
Transfer: The requisition line item is being requested for transfer from the specified "Location" to stock "Location To". When selected, quantities are allocated within the Inventory Management solution upon save. When processed from review a Transfer Request is automatically created when the Inventory Management solution is licensed.
Type in or select a valid inventory item from the Zoom Window. When the security option for the Item Maintenance is enabled for the user the item label will turn into a hyperlink allowing the user to add/modify the inventory item from this page.
If an Item was selected, the associated description will automatically populate this field. If no item has been selected then the user will have to type in an appropriate description for the line item. This is a required field and is the description that will appear on the Purchase Order sent to the vendor.
Type in the quantity of the item needed.
This field is available when PO Change Order is licensed and when the Requisition line has been turned into a PO. This field is available to update when PO Change Order is licensed for users with access to the 'Requisition / Check Request - Cancel Quantity' Security option if the PO line is still open. After this field is modified, clicking save will update the Purchase Order line cancelled quantity immediately in Dynamics GP. All updates to Purchase Order quantities cancelled are tracked on the Requisitions detail log for Purchase Order lines originating from WorkPlace.
Type or Select from the Zoom Window the requested Unit of Measure; such as each, box, etc.
Type in the unit Price of the requested item. If an Item has been selected in the Item field, then the price will default. If the vendor is specified then it will come from the last invoice priceoriginating cost for that vendor/item combo, if no vendor/item relationship then it will use the current cost of the Inventory Item. If you have override inventory item's price then it will pull the price from the Standard Cost or Current Cost depending on the valuation method., additional WorkPlace system settings can determine which price is defaulted with the item.
If the vendor is specified then it will come from the last invoice price for that vendor/item combo, if no vendor/item relationship then it will use the current cost of the iv item.
If your environment is setup with the WorkPlace Multi-currency interface the field is displayed as a drop down list and another currency code can be selected for the line item. Field display and currency selection can also be affected by user setup.
The read-only Subtotal for the line will be displayed when the 'Enable Additional Subtotal Display' System Setting has been enabled. The subtotal is calculated as Quantity x Price and does not include any Freight, Miscellaneous , Discount or additive Tax amounts. When the related 'Exclude Tax Included in Subtotal' System Setting is also enabled, the subtotal will not include any Tax Included amounts (i.e. when checked on the Tax Detail page) and will reflect the taxable cost amount for the item.
Total for the line item.
The location of the Department field; header or line will depend on the System Setting. This field will be populated with the Home or default department for the user based on User Security and/or the User Defined Field Template which also determines whether the field is read-only or the user can select from the department list.
Select a valid Site ID From for the active line item. (Only available with Binary Stream Materials Management Interface)
Select a valid LocationSite ID for the line item.
This field is available when the Inventory Fulfillment interface is licensed and the 'Enable Item Transfer' System Setting is enabled to request and process Dynamics GP Inventory Transfer transactions. The Site ID To field is used to select the destination for an Inventory Item that will be transfer from the location identified in the Site ID field, when quantities are available.
Enter or select a valid Location used Transfer Request lines.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Vendor code.
The Vendor ID will default upon selection of an Inventory Item if a Primary Vendor is defined within Dynamics GP for the Site selected on the Requisition line. When Requisition lines are created from a Catalog Check Out, the Vendor ID will default to the Primary Vendor defined within Dynamics GP for the Site on the user's User Defined Field Template (UDFT). If a default Vendor is assigned to the UDFT, it will take priority over the Primary Vendor.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Vendor Address ID.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Vendor Item.
Upon saving this value will be validated against the Item to make sure the relationship exists, if it does not the user will have to correct it in order to save. When an Item or Vendor Item is selected, the primary Manufacturer's Item will be set by default. If this field is left blank then the Primary item will be defaulted into this field upon save.
Select an open Purchase Order to append the Requisition line to. The user must have Edit PO# enabled in security to access this field. When a Purchase Order is selected, the PO related fields on the Requisition line will be updated based on the selected Purchase Order. When a Purchase Order has been specified for a Requisition line and any of the PO related fields are updated to a value that does not match, the user will be presented with an error upon save that the 'PO Number is not valid for selected [field name]'.
Type in the date the item is needed.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Ship to Address.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid General Ledger Account number. When Inventory Management is licensed, this field will default based on the GL Posting Code setups for the selected Item.
Select a Priority Code from the drop-down menu. If modified during System configuration, this field label may vary.
This field is defaulted from the Vendor and can be overridden.
Select an Expense Type from the zoom window.
This field is only available when "Card Name Selection" is licensed and wheen using the WorkPlace Enterprise Dynamics GP integration. Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Card Name from GP. When a card name is specified it will be passed over to the GP Accounts Payable transaction. The entire amount of the line will also be allocated to the Credit Card.
If known enter the vendor promised delivery date.
Where the bill for the order is sent to. The default bill to address is the same as your company address.
Check the box to create a drop ship PO.
Check the box to use a blanket PO.
In order to select an Analysis Group, a G/L Account Number must first be selected. Only Analysis Group ID's associated to the selected G/L Account in Dynamics GP will be available for selection.
Enter or select a valid G/L Analysis ID. The values available for selection will be based on the selected G/L Account for the line and it's associated G/L Analysis Group rule assignment.
Type in or select from the Zoom Window a valid Organization Code. The location of the Organization field; header or line will depend on the 'Organization by Header' System Setting. This field will be required when the 'Enable Organization GL Integration' general System Setting is enabled.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Customer ID.
This field is defaulted from the Vendor and can be overridden.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Vendor Contract module, this field appears on the General tab and toggles with the active requisition line. Type in or select an appropriate Vendor Contract from the Zoom Window.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Vendor Contract module, this field appears on the General tab when the System Setting "Enable Vendor Contract Override" is enabled and toggles with the active requisition line. Type in or select an appropriate reason from the Zoom Window.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Budget module, this field appears on the General tab and toggles with the active requisition line. Type in or select the appropriate Budget for this line item.
When interfaced with the WorkPlace Budget module, this field appears on the General tab and toggles with the active requisition line. The budget apply date will default to the requisition date, if desired, the user can change the budget period application date for this requisition line. The date entered or selected must fall within an appropriate date range established on the WorkPlace Budget.
This field is only available and visible with integration to Microsoft Dynamics GP Project Series to type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Contract.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Tax Schedule. When a Vendor is selected from the Vendor zoom (or upon Save if a Vendor exists but no Vendor Address ID exist on the Requisition Line) the Vendor Tax Schedule will be defaulted from the Address ID specified in Dynamics GP > Vendor Maintenance > Address IDs > Purchase field. When an Address ID is selected from the Vendor Address ID zoom (or upon Save if a Vendor Address ID exist but no Vendor Address Tax Schedule exist on the Requisition Line) the Vendor Tax Schedule will be defaulted from the Vendor Address ID.
This field will only be displayed when the "Only Allow Check Requests within Requisition Entry" System Setting is checked to allow entry of the vendor invoice number for Check Requests.
This field will only be displayed when the "Only Allow Check Requests within Requisition Entry" System Setting is checked to allow the entry or selection of the 1099 box number for Check Requests. This value will default from the Vendor.
Optionally enter a discount amount for the requisition line. The amount extended will be reduced by the amount entered upon save.
Optionally enter a freight amount for the requisition line. The amount extended will be increased by the amount entered upon save.
Optionally enter a miscellaneous charge amount for the requisition line. The amount extended will be increased by the amount entered upon save.
This read-only field will display the additional calculated tax based on the amount and Tax Schedule selected for the requisition line. The details for this calculation are available to view and update for users with assigned Security to the Tax Detail page and will be the total tax amount where the 'Tax Included' option is not checked for an assigned Tax ID.
This read-only field will display the total tax amount included in the Price that was calculated based on the associated Tax ID's for the line. The details for this calculation are available to view and update for users with assigned Security to the Tax Detail page and will be the total tax amount where the 'Tax Included' option is checked for an assigned Tax ID.
The Vendor Comment will be passed to the Purchase Order line and print on the default Purchase Order to provide additional information or instructions to the Vendor.
If desired, type in or copy the web site address referencing the item you are requesting.
Additional information related to the requested goods or services can be entered here for reference. This comment stays within WorkPlace and also flows over to Purchase Order line.
Type in or select from the Zoom window a valid Ship to Address.
Name of the Ship To Address.
Contact at the Ship To Address.
Address line 1 of the Ship To Address .
Address line 2 of the Ship To Address .
Address line 3 of the Ship To Address .
City of the Ship to Address.
State/Province of the Ship to Address.
Postal Code of the Ship to Address.
Country of the Ship to Address.
Phone number 1 at the Ship to Address.
Phone number 2 at the Ship to Address.
Fax number at the Ship to Address.
This tab is available when Advanced Account Lookups is licensed to provide an alternative method of entry for the G/L Account by selecting segment values individually. Each active GL segment that the user has access to will be available for entry or selection. The field labels will be displayed based on the GL Segment setup and when a valid Segment ID is selected, the associated description will be displayed below each field. Valid entries for each field are determined based on the Dynamics GP chart of accounts. Once all segments are populated, the G/L Account field will be updated. If the user selects a G/L account, the G/L Segment fields will be updated automatically.
This tab is available when Advanced Account Lookups is licensed. Each active GL Segment that the user has access to will be available for entry or selection of up to 15 Segment ID values. The field labels will be displayed based on the GL Segment setup. When a valid Segment ID is selected, the associated description will be displayed below each field. Valid entries for each field are determined based on the GL Segment Relationships setup and maintained within GL Segment maintenance.
The inline attachment viewer will be displayed on the right hand side of the page when enabled through System Settings. The Attachments pane will display header and line level files for the selected line. If multiple files are available to view, they can be selected using the drop down field which will display the description and file name for the attachment. Only supported file formats (i.e. PDF, BMP, GIF, EXIF, JPG, PNG and TIFF) are able to be displayed in the Attachments viewer.
Select this button to view and modify the tax details for the line when permissions have been assigned in Security