Vendor Approval Workflow

Create or Edit

The WorkPlace Vendor Approval is an Add-on module. The processing flow begins with a user who enters the new Vendor through Vendor Maintenance. The Vendor will either be set to a status of Active or sent to Vendor Approval.  Once Submitted, this triggers the eMail notification (dependent on system settings) which is sent to the Approver.

Approval Session

The Approver then logs into the application and loads Vendors into an approval session and approves or disapproves the Vendors and processes the approval session.  Once processed, this triggers the eMail notification (dependent on system settings) which is sent to the creator notifying them if the Vendor was disapproved. The creator can then make corrections and resubmit for approval or choose to delete the Vendor. Approved Vendors are created and activated within the supported ERP Accounts Payable systemDynamics GP.