Select Expenses

Expense items are available to be selected by an employee when created from imported credit card expenses using the Import Data screen or from expenses captured using the WorkPlace Mobile Application. Available Expenses are based on the Employee the Expense Sheet is being created for and only Expenses for the specific Employee can be loaded into an Expense Sheet for that same Employee.  The Select Expenses button on the Expense Sheet entry page will display the number of available expenses in parenthesis. 

When the Select Expense(s) option is first opened, mobile and Credit Card expenses are sorted in descending order by date.  The column headings for each field are displayed and can be selected to sort the results with a click of the button.  An arrow icon will appear next to the column heading for the field currently being sorted indicating if it is being sorted in ascending (up) or descending (down) order.

Expense Fields

Select All

Selects all of the Expenses to be included when the command button is clicked.


Select this checkbox next to the Expense to indicate that it should be added or deleted when the command button is clicked.

Credit Card Indicator

This icon is displayed to indicate that the expense line originated from the corporate credit card import.

Mobile Indicator

This icon is displayed to indicate that the expense line was entered through the WorkPlace Mobile Application.


The description of the expense line which will populate the Description field on the Expense Sheet line.


The amount for the expense line which will populate the Price field on the Expense Sheet line.

Expense Type

The WorkPlace Expense Type of the expense line which will populate the Expense Type field on the Expense Sheet line.


The date for the expense line which will populate the Date field on the Expense Sheet line.

Command Buttons


Allows users to delete expense lines that will not be used on an Expense Sheet.  Clicking this will delete the selected expenses so they are no longer available in the Expenses list.  Deleted expense lines are stored in a history table within the database.  If the 'Do not allow Delete of Credit Card transactions within Select Expenses' System Setting has been enabled, the user will receive an error when attempting to delete a Credit Card expense.


Clicking this returns you to the Expense Sheet in addition to loading all selected expense lines.  


Merging Mobile and Credit Card Expenses

The Select Expenses window can be used to merge Credit Card and Mobile Expenses by selecting them together prior to clicking the Add button.  User may wish to merge a Credit Card Expense with a Mobile Expense line when the expense was paid (and imported) with their corporate card but they captured the receipt on their mobile devise.

Upon selecting the expenses to merge, the user will be prompted to confirm with the message 'Are you sure you want to merge the Mobile Expense transaction with the Credit Card transaction?' prior to returning to the Expense Sheet.  If the user clicks 'Confirm' and the amounts on the selected lines do not match, they will be prompted with the message 'The Price on the Credit Card transaction does not match the Mobile Expense transaction' with the option to Continue or Cancel.

If users attempt to select more than one of both types of Expense, they will be presented the message 'You can only merge one Mobile Expense transaction with one Credit Card transaction'.