Travel Route

The Travel Route page is available from Travel Request and Expense Entry when WorkPlace Expense has been licensed with the Maps interface to allow users to calculate mileage based on a route.  Travel Routes can only be calculated and edited for unsubmitted Travel Request and Expense Sheet lines, otherwise it will display all information in read only mode. All distances will be displayed in the Map Mileage Display unit defined in User Preferences.


Address field

The Travel Route page allows users to enter up to 25 addresses for legs of the trip.  Addresses are labelled by letter and can be removed using the delete button on the left.  The first address will default to the user's default start address defined in User Preferences.  

Upon clicking each Address field, a drop down will be available that will display the user's home address, company addresses that have been setup and shared within Map Addresses and up to 20 recent addresses used by the user on past trips.  Users can close the address selector by pressing the ESC key or clicking the button.


Displays the total distance for each leg of the route based on the previous address.

Personal Checkbox

Check the Personal box to indicate that the leg of the trip is personal and should not be reimbursable.  Personal distances will update the Total Personal distance and be deducted from the Total Business distance.

Total Distance

Displays the total distance for the route based on the addresses entered.

Total Personal

Displays the total personal distance based on the address legs that have been checked as Personal.

Subtract Commute

Displays the total Commute to be deducted from the route when the checkbox is checked.  The commute amount will default to the value specified in Security for the user or 0 if the user's daily commute has already been deducted on another mileage entry for the same day. When this option is checked, the commute distance will be deducted from the Total Business distance.

Total Business

Displays the total distance for the route less personal and commute amounts that will be returned to the Quantity field on the Expense line in the unit specified for the Expense Type.


The map will be displayed on the right of the Travel Route page based on the addresses entered.  The map will be updated every time the user clicks 'Calculate Mileage and Update Route' to reposition the map and display the route.

Command Buttons

Calculate Mileage and Update Route

Click this option to update the travel route based on the addresses entered and update all distance totals.  At least 2 addresses need to be specified in order to update the route otherwise the user will be prompted with a message.

Add To Expense

Click to close the window and return the calculated Total Business mileage / quantity to the Expense Sheet line.


Click this option to cancel any changes and return to the Expense Entry page.


The Close button will be the only option when the Travel Route page is opened in read only mode from submitted Travel or Expense lines or from an Approval session.