
Administration > Maintenance > Announcements

WorkPlace Announcements can be configured to present important company messages to the extended workforce.  WorkPlace provides options to display each announcement message system wide or based on user, roles, departments or companies setup within WorkPlace.  Activation and expiration dates can be optionally defined by announcement to control when the messages are displayed to the users.  Announcement messages can be configured to display on the WorkPlace Home/Default Dashboard or require user confirmations at the time of login which are tracked in the database for validation purposes. Full support for HTML formatting within each message provides enhanced display options for all your notification needs.

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Message ID

Enter up to sixty (60) alphanumeric characters as an identifiable Message ID for the Announcement.


Enter unlimited text for the content of the message to be displayed.  Full support for HTML formatting provides enhanced display options for announcement messages.

System Access Checkbox

When selected, the announcement message will be displayed to all users across all companies within WorkPlace.


When selected, all users will be required to confirm the announcement message before access to WorkPlace is allowed.   Once a user has confirmed an announcement, they will no longer received that message.  If a user clicks 'Cancel' when prompted with the message, they will be returned to the WorkPlace login screen.  When Confirm is unchecked, the message will be displayed on the WorkPlace dashboard home page.

Activates On

Optionally enter or select a date when the message will be available.  If specified, the announcement will not be available for confirm or display until the date is reached.


Optionally enter or select a date when the message will expire.  If specified, the message will no longer require confirmation or be displayed on or after this date.



Announcements that have not been setup with System Access can be assigned by User, Role, Department and Company which can be selected or removed using the command buttons on each associated tab.

Available Users

List of available WorkPlace Login Names which can be selected for the announcement.  All users that have been setup in WorkPlace Security for the current company will appear in the available users box.

Selected Users

List of WorkPlace Login Names which have been selected to confirm or view the announcement message.  

Available Roles

List of available WorkPlace Roles which can be selected for the announcement.  All Roles that have been setup for the current company are available for selection.  

Selected Roles

List of WorkPlace Roles which have been selected for the associated users to confirm or view the announcement message.  Roles setup in multiple companies with the same Role ID will be assigned to the announcement when selected.

Available Departments

List of available WorkPlace Departments which can be selected for the announcement.  All Departments that have been setup for the current company are available for selection.  

Selected Departments

List of WorkPlace Departments which have been selected for the associated users to confirm or view the announcement message.  Departments setup in multiple companies with the same Department Code will be assigned to the announcement when selected.

Available Companies

List of available WorkPlace Companies which can be selected for the announcement.  All WorkPlace Companies that have been installed within the environment are available for selection.  

Selected Companies

List of WorkPlace Companies which have been selected for the associated users to confirm or view the announcement message.


Command Buttons