Requisition / Check Request > Maintenance > Shopping Lists Import
The Shopping Lists Import feature provides an alternative method for creating and maintaining Shopping Lists for the WorkPlace Requisition Solution using the Comma Separated (CSV) file format provided. To download the file template, click the 'Get .CSV Template' button available at the bottom of this page or use the 'View/Export Shopping Lists' option to generate a file containing existing Shopping List Items that can be updated in Excel to import and update WorkPlace. The export file will contain all Shopping List item details based on the user's security access and selections made on the 'View/Export Shopping Lists' lookup. In addition to the line detail fields, columns are included for the Shopping List Description, Type, Department, User and Active status.
Import File
Clicking this imports the specified file. If a user attempts to import a Shopping Type for which they do not have Security permission, they will receive an error message.
Get .CSV Template
Clicking this downloads the CSV Template from WorkPlace.
View / Export Shopping Lists
Clicking this option will open a Shopping List view displaying all shopping list items the user has access to. The displayed results can be reviewed, searched and filtered before exporting using the 'Export All' option. The export file is provided in the required format allowing users to update the item details within Excel and update the Shopping Lists in WorkPlace by importing the new CSV file.
Browse or specify the Shopping Lists file to import into WorkPlace. This file must have the columns in the same order and format as the CSV provided Template.
This option will be used to control how WorkPlace will be updated when importing a file for existing Shopping Lists and provides an option for removing items that are no longer required. The option is unchecked by default so that the import file will only add and update Shopping List item details . When checked, and the import file contains lines for existing Shopping Lists, any items that are not included in the import file will be automatically deleted from WorkPlace. When using this option, only Shopping Lists that have been specified on the import file will have items deleted.