TimeSheet Approval Session

To begin a new Timesheet Approval Session, select the Approve Pending Timesheets option on the Dashboard, under the To Do heading.  You will then be directed to the Load Options page to create a new Session.

If a session has already been Loaded, but not processed, that open session will be listed as an Outstanding Transaction, Load Options are bypassed when the Open session is loaded.  Any additional items which may be pending receipt will not load into an Open Session.

Additional information for each of the transaction fields displayed within the approval session is available on the Timesheet page.

Document Toolbar


Approve All

Disapprove All

Awaiting All





Expand / Collapse

Click to toggle the detail line display for the selected transaction.


Select this button and click Save on the Document Toolbar to remove the Timesheet from the Approval session.


Sequential identification number automatically assigned by the system.


Worker whose work hours are recorded on this timesheet.

Period Begin / End

The Period dates for each Timesheet.


Department of the Timesheet transaction.


This is the total hours on the specified Timesheet.

Approval List

This field is displayed in open Approval Sessions to indicate the specific Approval List associated to the approval requirement. If all lines for a Timesheet require approval from the same Approval List, it will be displayed at the Header.  Otherwise, the Timesheet header will display 'Multiple' when the lines are associated with more than one Approval List.

Ad Hoc Next Approver

This option becomes available when the 'Enable Ad Hoc Approval' System Setting has been activated to select a user to add to the current approval workflow.  Only users that have been assigned permissions to the approval process in Security will be available for selection as an ad hoc approver.  When a user is selected, they will be added to the approval workflow based on the approval action taken.

Upon processing the Approval Session, all lines marked for approval will be processed as approved and add the selected additional Approver as the next required approval step.

Lines marked for dis-approval will add the selected additional Approver as a required approval step before the original Approver providing them the option to make their approval decision after this additional step.

Items left marked as 'Awaiting' when the session is processed will not assign an additional approval step and return the items to the existing approval queue.

note to Creator

Approve All

Disapprove All

Mark All Lines as Awaiting


This read-only field is updated when a command button is selected which changes the line item status values.

Line Item Command Buttons

The following Actions can be executed by Timesheet or individual line item:

note to Creator





Line Actions



 Time Track

The Time Track button will be displayed when the 'Enable Time Track' System Setting is enabled.  Start and End times entered into Time Track are applicable for the selected Day across multiple Timesheet Entries.

 Time Card

The Time Card button will be displayed when WorkPlace Time is integrated to GP Project Accounting and the 'Allow Entry by Time' option is enabled within Timesheet Setup Options or when Time is integrated with WorkPlace Project and the 'Enable Time Card' System Setting is enabled.  Start and End times entered into the Time Card are applicable for the selected Timesheet Entry.