
Processed Payment Batch Sessions will generate one or more Payments transactions that can be viewed from this page.  All information on this page is displayed as read only to reference details on previously processed payments.

Document Toolbar


This button will appear once the Payment Batch is processed to allow the user to print a Remittance Report that includes all payments within the Batch.


Payment Fields

Payment Number

The WorkPlace Payment Number is automatically assigned as Payments are created using the 'Next Payment Number' mask defined in System Settings.

Source Company

Displays the Source Company that owns the Payment when Inter-Company is licensed.

Vendor ID

The Vendor ID for the Payment transaction.


The Branch represents the Company Address and associated account for the Payment.

Remit To

The Vendor Remit To Address for the Payment.


The currency for the Payment.

Posting Date

The date of the payment posting date used when the transaction was posted to the General Ledger when the 'Enable Payment Processing G/L Journals' System Setting is checked.


Displays the date the transaction was created and the WorkPlace user that processed the payment.

Discount Taken

The total Discount Amount taken displayed in the transactional currency.

Payment Amount

The total Payment Amount displayed in the transactional currency.

Total Amount Applied

The total amount applied to invoices included on the payment transaction calculated as Discount Taken + Payment Amount.


Payment Detail Fields


Identifies if the voucher is a 'Vendor' invoice or reimbursable 'Employee' expense.

Vendor Doc. No.

Displays the Vendor invoice number for the paid transaction.

Voucher Number

Displays the WorkPlace Voucher number for the paid transaction.


Displays the original WorkPlace transaction number for the paid transaction.  When the user has permission to view the associated transaction page, the caption be displayed as a hyperlink that will open the transaction for reference.

Transaction Date

Displays the Document Date of the paid transaction.

Original Amount

Displays the original total transaction amount for the paid transaction.

Discount Date

Displays the discount date for the paid transaction that was assigned when it was originally processed based on the document date and Payment Terms.

Discount Taken

The total Discount Amount assigned to the paid transaction displayed in the transactional currency.

Payment Amount

The total Payment Amount assigned to the paid transaction displayed in the transactional currency.

Total Amount Applied

This is a calculated field to display the total amount applied to the paid transactions calculated as Discount Taken + Payment Amount.


Line Actions

Apply Payment Details

Opens the Apply Payment page to provide visibility to the line level detail for the selected invoice or employee expense.  Line level allocation adjustments would only have been made when processing partial payments against transactions where the Accounts Payable, Terms Discount or Payments accounts are different at the line level based on the Posting Code configuration.