Attendee Tracking

The WorkPlace Travel and Expense Attendee Tracking features simplify and enforce compliance for both internal and external reporting requirements.

Expense line amounts can be distributed to one or more Attendees based on percentage or amount.  Identify Attendees quickly and easily by Name, Title and Company with the opportunity to add custom defined Expense Category and Expense Products based on your organization.

The Attendee Tracking capabilities can be further enhanced with the integration option for the National Provider Identifier list providing users a robust search by NPI number, name and address data to streamline data entry and compliance for Regulatory reporting requirements such as Open Payment / Sunshine Act.  When the 'Enable NPI on Attendee Tracking' System Setting is enabled, the Attendee details will include the ability to select Attendees using the standardized National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers to streamline Open Payment reporting for the organization.


Steps for Setting up Attendee Tracking

  1. Check the 'Enable NPI on Attendee Tracking' System Setting if Attendee tracking requires entry and reporting by National Provider Identifier (NPI).

  2. Provide the Attendee Tracking / NPI Administrator(s) Security access to the following Security options based on the specific data elements that will be captured for Attendee Tracking;

Administration 'Import Data' maintenance

Expense 'Attendee' processing

Expense 'Open Payment' report.

Expense 'Attendee Expense Category' maintenance.

Expense 'Attendee Expense Product' maintenance.

  1. Ensure the NPI list is up to date with the 'NPI (NPPES)' import map option on the Import Data page or contact your SQL administrator to load larger record sets.

  2. Review and update the Attendee Expense Category records to meet the specific requirements for the organization.

  3. Optionally enter the detailed Attendee Expense Product records that will be captured for expense attendee tracking and reporting.  If the 'Require Product' option has been enabled for any Attendee Expense Category then at least one Product will need to setup within WorkPlace.

  4. Provide all Expense users who will be allocating expenses to attendees access to the Expense 'Attendee' processing option making the 'Attendee' button available at the bottom of the Expense Sheet page for allocating Travel and Expense lines by Attendee.