Payments Load

Loading a Payment Batch is the first step in the WorkPlace Payment process.  The Payment Load page automatically appears when selecting the 'Payments Load' option on the Accounts Payable Dashboard.   These options give the user the ability to restrict, based on selected criteria, which records are loaded and define the Posting Date for the payments included in the batch.  

Available restriction parameters are listed below be available based on the solutions and modules licensed for WorkPlace.  Otherwise, simply select LOAD to create a Payment Batch that includes all open payable transactions for Vendors and Company Addresses that are enabled for WorkPlace Payments that are not already loaded in another, open Payment Batch.

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Entry Fields

Posting Date

This is a required field and will default to the current system date.  The value entered here represent the payment posting date and is used to calculate the terms discounts and exchange gain loss when applicable.


This option will only be available when both Procurement and Expense Solutions are licensed and will default to blank to load all open payables for Vendors and Employees.  Selecting 'Vendor' will restrict the suggested payments to Vendor invoices while selecting 'Employee' will restrict the Payment Batch to open reimbursable Employee Expenses.


Available when Inter-Company is licensed to restrict based on the Source Company of the open payables transactions.

Bill To Address

Allows the user to restrict the suggested Payments based on the Company Address / Branch assigned to the open payable transactions or the default 'Branch' specified on the Vendor when not assigned to the transaction.


This option is available in Multi-Currency environments to restrict suggested payments based on the original transaction currency.

Due Date

Provides the ability to restrict the suggested payments by the Due Date of the open Payables transactions.

Discount Date

Provides the ability to restrict the suggested payments by the Discount Date of the open Payables transactions.


Provides the ability to restrict the suggested payments Vendor.

Vendor Class

Provides the ability to restrict the suggested payments by Vendor Class.


Provides the ability to restrict the suggested payments by the Rank assigned to the Vendor.

Payment Terms

Provides the ability to restrict the suggested payments by the Payment Terms of the open Payables transactions.