Invoice Capture Overview

WorkPlace Invoice Capture allows users to send and upload invoices either by email, web upload, or sftp, and have the data from the invoice automatically extracted into a WorkPlace Check Request or Purchase Order Invoice. This will enable organizations to have a truly hands-off Accounts Payable process where clerks will only need to intervene for exceptions by monitoring the Invoice Queue and easily providing updates to complete information that the capture engine was unable to provide.  WorkPlace Invoice Capture will learn over time to improve the invoice recognition based on repetition and user feedback to further automate the Accounts Payable process.

Setting Up WorkPlace Invoice Capture

  1. Assign the 'Default User for Invoice Capture' Accounts Payable System Setting.  This is the user that will determine the approval workflow for the Check Request or Invoice Match transactions processed through the Invoice Capture solution.

  2. Update the 'Transaction Type to Create for PO Invoices' setting if captured invoices matching a Purchase Order should be created as 'Receive / Match Invoice' for a 2-way match procurement process instead of the default 'Invoice' type for 3-way matching.

  3. Provide security access to the Invoice Capture Queue and Invoice Capture processing options for the Accounts Payable team members or roles that will be monitoring captured invoices and correcting any OCR errors.

  4. Enable the 'When Scanned Invoices have been Rejected' email notification option for Accounts Payable team members to receive a notification any time a document is added to the Invoice Capture Queue by the WorkPlace Agent Service that requires attention.

  5. Schedule the 'Invoice Capture' option within the WorkPlace Agent Service to automatically synchronize Invoices sent to the OCR service via Email or SFTP to the WorkPlace Invoice Capture Queue.


Optical Character Recognition and Business Learning

Vendor Matching

When an invoice comes into WorkPlace from the Invoice Capture service, WorkPlace doesn’t always know which Vendor to associate the invoice to. WorkPlace uses a few different matching methods to determine the correct Vendor:

    1. Name: WorkPlace will try to match the Vendor’s name that’s printed on the invoice to a WorkPlace Vendor’s name, Address Name, or Check Name.

    2. Phone: WorkPlace will try to match the Vendor’s phone number that’s printed on the invoice to a WorkPlace Vendor’s phone number.

    3. Tax ID/ABN: WorkPlace will try to match the Vendor’s Tax ID Number/ABN that’s printed on the invoice to a WorkPlace Vendor’s Tax ID Number/ABN.

If WorkPlace does not succeed in finding the Vendor using the above methods, the user will be able to manually select one.  Once a Vendor has been manually assigned, WorkPlace will remember the user’s selection and assign that same Vendor the next time an invoice is received from the same Vendor.

Purchase Order Number Recognition

When invoices are scanned, the OCR service business learning will allow users to map incomplete document numbers for Purchase Order Match Invoices.  This ensures that the Invoice Capture solution can accommodate vendors that only display partial document numbers without the associated prefix on their invoices.  For example, and invoice that displays an order number such as '98773' can be properly matched to a WorkPlace Purchase Order number of 'PO0098773'.

Tax Schedule Assignment

Invoice Capture provides validation and automation of Tax Schedule assignment and detail calculations for both Check Requests and PO Match Invoice transactions.  If a tax amount is found on the scanned invoice document, it will be compared to the system calculated tax amount based on the Tax Schedule assigned to the associated Purchase Order or Vendor.  If the value is different a warning is shown from the Invoice Capture Queue that the 'Calculated tax does not match invoice tax' to provide users the opportunity to confirm or correct the calculation.  Clicking the 'Make corrections ' link will redirect the user to either the Check Request or Receive/Invoice Match entry page to review and update the taxes before submitting for approval.

If the tax amount scanned from the OCR service matches the total tax value calculated for the invoice, the assigned Tax Schedules and details will be assumed to be correct and no error will be displayed.  If no tax amount is found during the Invoice Capture, no Tax Schedules or amounts will be assigned to the WorkPlace Check Request or Invoice Match transactions.

For organizations that use tax free or zero rate Tax Schedules for reporting purposes, Invoice Capture will support these assignments for invoices where the tax amount is zero.   The Vendor's default Tax Schedule will be used when the tax amount on the invoice is zero (0) as long the resulting tax amount calculated using the Tax Schedule isn't greater than 0. If the Vendor doesn’t have a default Tax Schedule, then the User Defined Field Template (UDFT) default Tax Schedule will be used if it is assigned to zero rate tax amounts. The following are examples where 'NOTAX' is a tax-free Tax Schedule and 'P-TAX' is a Tax Schedule with taxes calculating at 10% of the purchase:


User Defined Field Template (UDFT) Defaulting

Check Requests created from the Invoice Capture solution can populate additional information for any field supported by the 'Default' function of a User Defined Field Template (UDFT) assigned to the users specified in the 'Default User for Invoice Capture' System Setting.  Fields that default from the Vendor (i.e. Payment Terms) will always take priority over values set to default from the User Defined Field Template (UDFT).

Intercompany / MultiCompany

When Intercompany is licensed, Invoice Capture will attempt to find a 'Bill To Name' on the invoice to use as the Source Company for Check Requests.  If the identified 'Bill To Name' matches an Intercompany setup in WorkPlace, that is the Intercompany ID that will be used as the Source Company for the invoice.

If there isn't a 'Bill To Name' found on the Invoice or 'the identified 'Bill To Name' does not match an Intercompany setup in WorkPlace, then the user will need to pick the desired Source Company for that invoice on the Invoice Capture page. Once a user manually chooses a Source Company, Invoice Capture will remember that choice and use that intercompany for all future invoices recognized from that Vendor.  For PO Invoice Match transactions, the Source Company will be based on the Purchase Order that the invoice is matched to.