The initial Setup and Configuration of the WorkPlace modules as well as on-going maintenance; such as adding a new user, maintaining a budget or processing expense reports are all accomplished under the Maintenance Tab.
The selections on this tab will vary based on both the installed WorkPlace modules/interfaces as well as security options established for the user logged on. These settings may consist of some or all of the following:
This section contains setup and maintenance common to multiple or all installed WorkPlace modules:
The Accounts Payable Maintenance section contains setup and maintenance specific to Vendors:
The Accounts Receivable Maintenance section contains setup and maintenance specific to Receivables:
Budget Maintenance is used both to establish and maintain WorkPlace Budgets, an optional add-on for use with Requisition, Check Request, Travel and Expense Solutions:
Catalog Maintenance is used both to establish and maintain WorkPlace Catalogs, an optional add-on for use with Requisition:
Expense Maintenance is used to setup codes used on Expense sheets in WorkPlace and for Batch Process of Expense records:
The General Ledger Maintenance section contains setup and maintenance specific to General Ledger Accounts:
The Inventory section contains setup and maintenance specific to Inventory Management:
Inventory Adjustment Reason Code
The Multi-Currency Maintenance section contains setup and maintenance specific to Currency:
The Project Maintenance section contains setup and maintenance specific to WorkPlace Project Accounting:
The Requisition/Check Request Maintenance section contains setup and maintenance specific to the Requisition and Check Request solutions:
Invoice Attachment Maintenance
Time Maintenance is used to pull in the necessary time periods for use in WorkPlace Timesheet Entry and for Batch Process of Time records:
Vendor Contract Maintenance is used both to establish and maintain WorkPlace Vendor Contract, an optional add-on for use with Requisition & Check Request: